Daisypath Anniversary tickers

aww, birds :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I still remember when i kissed his hands last week..Only to find that it's the last time i ever gonna see him..

hey hi hello :)

mahu copy paste few things. yang ni dari blog kaklong :

Cikgu ajar "RINDU" tu kata kerja,,

Cikgu ajar lagi "AWAK" tu kata ganti diri,,

tapi bila cikgu tanya "RINDU AWAK" tu kata ape?

saya jawab...

itu kata hati saya,,


hahaha aku rasa sweet gilaaaaaaaaa.mana kau dapat weii ? oh btw, tkleh derma darah again eh ? aku nak derma jugakkk.

and ini dari blog abang ngah :



19 years old.

19 is not such a big number but it's not a small number either.

In a matter of 19 years, I've learned many many things. Some things that might took 30-40 years of someone else's life trying to get it. Figured it out. Learned it.

For that I'm really really grateful for what and where life has brought me. To this position that I'm at right now. It is wonderful. Hontou ni.

That being said, there's God knows how many thing that I will learned in the future. I just hope that all will go well and I will experience all that my life can offer to me. I also hope that I would value my life even more.

For every life is God given to me. So that I can make something. Trigger something different to this world.

Alhamdulillah. I have lived for 19 years and more to come.

Happy 19th Birthday Fikri!

dia tulis sempena birthday dia. bila baca apa yang die tulis dan ingatkan balik apa akan jadi mungkin masa dia 25, aku rasa nak nangis :'(

and ni dari blog harlinaa :

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't ever meant to let you down, will. You will have your heart broken more than once, and it's going to get harder every time. You'll break hearts, so remember how it felt when your's was broken You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, take too many chances, Live for the moment, and love like you've never been hurt, Because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.(: Take a chance,because you never know how absolutely perfect something could turn out to be.

hahaha. betul sangat apaa yang dia cakap :)


semalam tak boleh tidur. tak tahu kenapa. so aku baca laa novel sebab aku tk boleh tidur. tapi bila dah pukul 2 pagi tu, tetibe aku rasa lapar -.- nak turun bawah aku takut pulak. heeee tawla aku pengecut en ;P tetibe dengar bunyi ketung ketang dari bawah, turun-turun tengok abang ngah tengah makan sandwich burger sambil tengok tv, laaaa die pun tk boleh tidur. buat penatje aku tahan lapar sebab takut sorang-sorang, hehehe.

so aku buat simple jela, masak telur hancur and makan dengan roti. cukup kenyangla untuk tahan sampai ke pagi, hehehe.

pukul 4.30 tadi mama kejut aku, suh bangun. mama nak pegi johor dahh. abang ngah pun dikejutkan. mama pegi johor naik flight, pukul 7. tapi mama kuar awal sebab mama bawak kete pegi kl sentral, then dari kl sentral naik train pegi klia. tiket kena amek pukul 6 camtu. 9 lebih tadi message mama. mama cakap kes dah mula tapi kes mama mula kejap lagiii. harap-harap la habis kes untuk sekali ni terus. penatla naik turun court tu -.-

and esok aku pegi langkawi sampai sabtu. tapi insyaAllah, boleh online lagi. ttyl lovers ;D


fara azmi,,^_^ said...

curi post aku,,


aku bt sendiri post tu,percaya x?


Norfatin Suraya said...

tipu! tk caye ahhhh.