Daisypath Anniversary tickers

aww, birds :)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

pmr result

mesti korg dh tau an ?
ari ni kluar result pmr.

aku nk ucapkan tahniah bagi yg berjaya mndapat straight A's.
yang tk dpt, berusaha laa lagi :)

kisah silam

tadi aku chat ngan member lame aku.
name die syafinaz.
kitorang dulu same skolah.
tapi aku pindah 2007.
die pindah 2006.

kitorang chat2 tdi.
crite ar pasal hal2 dulu.
pasal kenakalan kitorang.

kitorang dulu nakal gileh.
suke ponteng kelas,
merayap 1 skola.
pegi kacau orang.

and 1 part paling gileh,
kitorang suke lepak dalam tandas.
aku,finaz,athira,amira n saadah.
kitorang kalo gi tandas,
1 jam lepas tu baru kluar.
bukan buat pape,
cuma lepak je.

then ade sekali tuh,
sorang mamat darjah 5 nie minat kat finaz.
name die haiqal harun.
kitorang panggil die ikan haruan.

sekali tuh,
die bagi surat kat finaz.
surat cinta lahh.
then aku n finaz gi nyorok kat belakang tembok nie
and kitorang bace senyap2.

mse tuh aku tgh bace,
tetibe guru kelas kitorang rampas.
aku,finaz,thira,mira n saadah terkejut gileh.
kitorang baru bace separuh.
finaz paling kesian,
x dpt bace langsung sebab kitorang rampas surat tu dari die.

tetibe cikgu zana,
guru kelas nampak kitorang.
die rampas surat tuh.

kecut perut jugak lahh.
sebab tu surat cinta an.
pastu cikgu dpt.
finaz dh nangis2.

then esoknye,
kitorang buat card
and tulis sorry
kitorang hantar senyap2 kat meja cikgu zana

bile cikgu bace
cikgu ckp kat kitorang
" tau pon nk mintak maaf"

mase tuh,
kitorang sume malu gileh

and si finaz ni plak,
die minat sorang mamat nie.
name die amirullah.
amirullah ni bestfren aku gak ar.
gileh gak mamat nie.

amirullah nie ketua krs.
and finaz nie plak ahli krs.
so die suke gile amirullah nie.

slalu dlm kelas,
die tinjau amirullah ikut pintu belakang.
sebab amirullah kelas kedua.
kitorang kelas pertama.

aku n finaz ni plak pengawas since darjah 3.
so kitorang memang rapat lah.
kenal since drjah 2.

name pun pengawas kn,
mestila x sebaik yg disangka.
kitorang slalu merayau2.
kadang2 langgar peraturan gak.
tapi cikgu x tau.
jahat gileh.

and mase drjh 2,
aku n finaz nie kire bestfren gak ar.
tapi slalu gado.
almost everyday.

gado budak2 kecik2 punye gado.

kalo kitorang gado,
mesti salah sorang drpd kitorang
akan pindah ke depan
sebab depan kitorang ade meja kosong
if finaz x pindah,
aku yang pindah.

bile balik,
baru kitorang mintak maaf and oke balik.
memang budak2.

aku n finaz pengawas.
athira n saadah pusat sumber.
amira murid biasa.

time rehat,
kitorang x akan turun kantin.
walaupun diwajibkan sume orang turun kantin.

kitorang akan lari pegi pusat sumber.
and lepak bilik cikgu kat pusat sumber tuh.
or kitorang akan masuk bilik computer,
and pakai computer tuh.
buat la pape kitorang nak.

slalu cmtuh la.
rase lawak bile ingat kisah dulu.

tapi senakal2 kitorang pon,
kitorang ade jugak jalankan tanggungjawab as pengawas.
cuma kitorang nie,
ramai cikgu anti kat kitorang.

1) bcoz kitorang nakal
2) bcoz kitorang agak pandai dlm pelajaran

itu lah yg cikgu slalu ckp.
tapi kitorang wat bodo jeh.

itu kisah 2006 lah.
kisah 2007 xde ape sgt.
just ade normal life.

aku xde geng nk buat kerja nakal,
sebab finaz dh pindah mase tuh.

aku rindu ketika zaman kanak2 ribena !!

Friday, December 26, 2008

holiday !

aku x akan online dari 26 Dec - 28 Dec !
sebab aku pegi holiday kat
Genting Highlands.

So nanti,
korang rindu2 la aku k ?
xde la.
gurau2 je.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

pegi mampus laaaaaaah!

bengang gileh tahap nak mati !


tdi pegi umah susu.
nak hantar survey.

lepak2 jap.
bluetooth lagu.

then gerak pegi umah fatin raihana.

on the way tuh,
terserempak ngan kak aina n,kak aina f,hani n aimi.

kak aina n : hye
susu : hye
me : ouh hyee

kitorang senyum2 pastu terus blah.
malu laaaa
aku la malu,

then lepak jap kat taman kecik.
pastu pegi 7-e.

odw tuh,
aku n fatin r asyik lawan jeh.

me : fatin ! u shut up !
fr : fatin ! u shut up !
me : fatin ! diam la ! senyap la !
fr : fatin ! diam la !

kitorang asyik ulang n ulang n ulang n ulang je.

then mase nk pegi padang besar.
aku n fr sruh susu jalan cepat sket.
sebab die jalan sambil bace buku.

then suddenly kitorang nampak die lari.
so aku n fr pon lari la.

fr lari pegi padang besar.
aku lari pegi tengah jalan.

tiba2 susu jerit

susu : fatin ! KERETAAAA !

nasib baik aku sempat stop.
rupa-rupanya family faris.
nadia x abis2 gelakkan kitorang.

then odw pegi 7-e,
lalu kat kedai cina sbelah basket court.
kitorang macam jerit2 an.
then ade pakcik cakap

pakcik : woi diam la ! bising la !

kitorang gelak lagi kuat.
memang lawak gile.

dh sampai 7-e pon,
kitorang lawan lagi2.
memang bising gile.
sampai akk 7-e ckp nk zip mulut kitorang.

akak : ish akk zip mulut korang kang.tau la name korg same.
me : HAHAHAHA ! padan muke fatin !
fr : padan la muke fatin !
me : fatin la padan muke !

then balik umah.
susu n fr smpai umah.

ps = nadia tu adik ipar susu tau,,=)

pps = fatin r,senyapla ! :P

ppps = aku mungkin masuk rk jeh ! happy gileh tahap nak mati !=)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

sori lama x update.
mcm biase,
aku terSANGATla malas.
ni pon terpaksa update.

18 Disember 2008

aku buat farewell party hari tu

so pukul 7 lagi adriana dh call aku.
die kejutkan aku.
sebab die dh odw nk dtg umah aku.

so dengan terpaksanya aku bgun mndi.
mls gile.
dh la sejuk !

then dh siap2 pakai baju.
adriana smpai.
tepat pada masanya !

then kitorg lepak2 jap.
tunggu an-nisaa nk dtg.
then nisaa smpai.
die bwk nasi goreng for lunch and sandwiches for breakfast.
tenkiu hun ;)

after tipa dtg.
followed by zie.
then kitorang lepak2 jap.
pstu kitorang gi double-A
gi cari barang2 perhiasan skit.

then balik umah.
kitorang start buat keje.
then aqil dtg around 9.30
sian gile sorg laki.
padan muke ko!

then kitorang smbung kerja.
pastu aku,adriana n aqil pegi double-A again.
nak cari belon.
so kitorang beli belon
and aku beli air
pastu aqil sruh aku blanje die
then uncle kedai tu ckp

uncle : alah u blanje aje la die tu(mksudkan aqil)
me : x nk la uncle,die bukn bf sye pon(smbil jelir lidah kat aqil)
aqil : memang uncle,bf die sume org india.haha.padan muke ko.
me : *terus out dari kedai*

then kat luar kedai

aqil : aku x prasan lak dalam tuh ade org india
me : aku dh prasan.sebab tu aku terus kluar.ko memang ckp x pandang kiri kanan.

then adriana plak kelam kabut.
sebab nampak mak alyssa.
tkut mak alyssa bgtau mk die.
sorry hun ;)

balik umah.
sambung buat keje n amik2 gmba sket.
pastu fitri dtg.
slesai buat keje kul 12.
then the girls cepat2 naik bilik aku n bersiap.

then tgh bersiap.
awang dtg.
die bwk adiah glass chess babes,,
aku dh ckp,
aku cop adiah tuh,,

then pukul 1
ramai gak yg dtg
pstu kitorang mkn2 dulu
sbb rash n ridha x dtg lagi.

then bile sume dh smpai.
aku start game fashion show.
8 helai suratkhabar.
cukup la an ?

then aqil brebut suratkhabar ngan aku.
kambing gileh!
aku n awang jdi judge.

then dh siap sume.
aku sruh dorg buat catwalk.
rash jdi model untuk group laki.
nisaa model untk group pompuan.

then kitorang judge.
x tau nk pilih mane.

aku tnye awang

me : awang,ko nk amik mne ? laki ke pompuan ?
awang : entahla wey.aku tgk dua-dua mcm sakai jeh!
all : HAHAHA.

tpi memang betul.
nisaa pakai wedding gown.
bak kata aqil
aqil : itu baju org asli la mengong !

sebab baju rash koyak.
and mcm x pakai seluar.
sbb depan tu dorg x cover.
so kitorang gelak mcm nak mati.
even aqil pun berguling.

and nisaa plak pakai skirt.
pastu dorang ckp x senonoh pakai skirt.
bagi aku,
pompuan pakai skirt xpe.
dari rash,
koyak2 suratkhabar n x pakai seluar.
(seluar betul pakai,seluar suratkhabar x pakai)

jgn salah anggap ye!

then aku x pasti dorg ckp pasal ape.
tetibe rash bgun n ckp
" auuuuwwwww "
ala2 pondan gituh
then kitorang gelak mcm nk pecah perut.

me : rash,aku patut rakam ko buat tdi n aku patut tunjuk kat kak sha
rash : haha.xyah la dowh
me : *lari amik camera* rash2 ! buat balik mcm tadi !
sume gelak lagi.

then kitorang main banyak lagi la games.
tapi memang lawak la.
guys x abis2 buat lawak.

aku betul2 happy.
then bile sume dh balik
tinggal zie,nisaa n cousin nisaa x balik lgi.

kitorang tgk crite hancock.
zie nk tgk.
die kate die rindu crite tuh.

then amek2 gmba
7.30 nisaa balik.

gmba2 nnti la aku msukkan.

arini keputusan asrama penuh kluar.
aku x dpt.
sedih gak ar.
nges pon ade.

skbrp hanye 4 orang dpt asrama penuh

nabil n alif herman : sm sains kuala selangor
ikhwan : sbpi sabak bernam
hanif : kolej melayu kuala kangsar perak

4 orang tu je dpt.
x caye bukak laman web

and tulis angka giliran mula dari
BG1651001 sampai BG1651080
check la sorang2.
sebab itu yg aku buat.

p/s = yg dpt asrama sume lelaki,,bengang tol !!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


hye-ea people !

aku pegi shopping ngan family aku.

1st kitorang pegi pc fair
kat convention centre.
mase tuh hujan lebat,
so susah cari parking
+ orang ramai gileh.

then lepas pusing3
dapat jugak parking akhirnyeh !

then masuk kat hall 1.
bawak adik aku yg 1 tahun tu dalam stroller.
and maid aku yg tolak stroller tuh.

maid aku ni jenas yang bebal sket,
bile tolak kat dalam hall tu,
die gi langgar semua org.
even my mom.

so mak aku bengang.
sebab dh la sesak dalam tuh.
then kene langgar2 plak.
last2 mak aku sruh maid aku tunggu luar hall.

then kitorang cari barang2,
then aku ngan adik aku plak duduk kat luar hall ngan maid aku.
kesian kan ?

then aku tengok mak aku,akk n abg aku
pengang sorang budak pompuan india.
budak tu terpisah dari family die.

so mak aku tanye die,
mak aku sruh die describe pasal mak die.
die ckp,
" my mom wears a pink shirt written number 20 "

so senang la kitorang nk cari.
then nampak makcik pakai bju pink and
tertulis nombor 20.
and die ckp anak die hilang.

so kes selesai.

then pergi midvalley.
mase tuh dah pukul 6.

masuk2 jeh pergi cari teppanyaki.
lapar punye pasal.
gile penuh orang.
so beratur jap.
then dapat tempat.
so mkn2.

then pergi shopping2.
cari kasut adik aku.
pergi kedai bodyshop.
mak aku masuk.
aku join sekaki jeh.

then pergi kat decoration christmas tu.
amik2 gmba.
sbb lawa.
every year buat mcm tu.
setiap kali christmas,
mesti pegi mid,
untuk tgk decoration.

then continue jalan2.
balik umah around 10.30.

and now,
kejap lagi nk pegi balik pc fair tuh.
entah ade prob ape entah.
lepas tuh mak nk bawak gi shopping.
either handphone or baju.

p/s = adik aku yang 1 tahun 4 bulan dah berjalan pada tarikh 13.12.2008 !!
          happy gilehhhhhhhhh !! =)

Friday, December 12, 2008


im boring.
nothing to do.


huh ?

eh dh la.
i have to stop.
i dont know what else to say


All guys are going to be a jerk eventually,if he is not now,just wait for it,its coming.

Without your lurve here with me,my heart is beating out of tune.

When i see u,all i can do is smile.

Everytime she gets a message,she wishes with all her heart that it's him.and for a moment she has butterflies.But the reality hits her hard & leave her feeling stupid for ever considering its a possibility he'd have her on his mind.

Cause everytime you tell me we're forever,you do things that make me question how long forever is.

hye readers,
mls nk update.
but tgh xde keje so update la.

pagi smalam,
aku n fam aku gi lawat abg aku kat hospital.
xde la pagi sgt pon.
dh dekat tengah hari.

kitorang pegi cheras dulu.
mak selesaikan urusan die.
then lunch kat restoran mamak.

after that,
pegi IJN lawat abg aku.
die admitted kat hospital sbb jantung die reject badan die.

then balik umah jap.
then ptg tu,
around 4,
aku,akak,mak n ayah aku pegi taman alam.
best gileh !

memang greeny gileh kat situ.
and jumpe bnyk monyet.
cuma sygnye,
x jumpe monyet silver tail,
mak aku ckp lain kali dtg.
hepyyyyyyyyy !

then pegi minum petang kat kopitiam jap.
mkn roti bakar skit.

pukul 7.15,
pegi kat kedai seafood.
Restoran Seafood Kuala Selangor.

ppukul 8.30,
kitorang pegi 
Kelip-Kelip Bukit Kuantan.
kat Kuala Selangor gak.

bayar rm 40 nk naik smpan die.
dh bayar2 sume,
pakai life jacket.
1 sampan 4 org.
so cukup2 untk ahli family aku.
even yg baby pun naik skali.

then pakcik tu bawak kitorg pusing2 kat muara tu.
best gile vavi !!
nampak banyak kelip2.

then adik aku nangis.
mintak susu.
nasib baik kitorg dh buat susu botol tu.
so kasi adik aku minum susu.
and aku ckp

akak : wah adik ! minum susu dalam sampan,romantik gile !
aku : hahaa.tu la pasal.dulu,adik dalam perut lagi dh naik helikopter.
mak n ayah : *senyum2 jeh *

but kitorang bisik2.
x leh cakap kuat2.
pakcik bawak sampan tu kata,
kalo ckp kuat2,
nanti kelip2 lari.

then pakcik tu bawak kitorg pegi kat 1 pokok nie.
memang kelip2 banyak gile vavi !
pastu pakcik tu kate leh pegang kelip2 tuh.
so aku mcm carik kelip2 yg dekat n rendah jeh.
then aku pegang.

mule2 tuh,
susah gak.
sbb bile org rapat,
die stop berkelip.
so kene pandai2 la.

and aku dapat pegang kelip2 tu banyak kali la gak.
ade sekali tuh,
aku pegang kelip2 tuh,
then die lari.
aku cuba tangkap,
tapi tetibe die hinggap kat mata aku.
aku macam terkejut gileh !
sebab benda tu berkelip terang,
and kat mata aku.
so aku nmpk terang jeh.
i guess,
itu must be yang jantan la.

then dh jauh pusing muara tuh.
pakcik tu bawak kitorg pusing nk gi jeti.
but on the way tu,
nampak lagi banyak kelip2.
sebab mase tuh dh gelap.
mase first round tuh terang,
sebab bulan penuh.

but its ok.
aku bersyukur gileh dpt pegang kelip2 tuh.

then smpai umah around 10.30
memang penat gile.
tpi rase best sgt2 !

 IJN = Institut Jantung Negara

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

miss the party

party ?
hell yeah i miss the party.
the party fitri did at his house.

i had so much fun.

idk why.

it's just,
maybe bcoz i miss them.

although only some people came,
but i had fun.

people who came :-

aku ingat lagi
mase tuh,
aku tgh rakam nisaa main piano
luqman sebelah aku.

then tetibe die tunduk
die ckp
" wei fatin zip ko terbukak ! "
die tunduk and point kat zip.
siot gileh.
teruk an die tuh ?

fitri order 3 kotak pizza.
large !
and dihabiskan oleh kami.
licin !
tenkiu fitri !

some of the boys played gam upstairs.
only some of us were downstairs.

then we had pillow fight.
me,nisaa,fitri n luq.

luq tgh baring atas sofa.
and tutup muke die ngan kusyen2.

then aku amik kusyen2 tuh,
aku pukul kepala die.
then aku lari 1 umah.
die amik kusyen baling2 kat aku.
aku terjun kat sofa,
die amik sume kusyen,
even kusyen besar.
die baling sume kat aku.
yang besar tuh,
die tolak aku dalam sofa.
sakit but fun.

then nisaa and fitri join.
abis kusyen sofa fitri.
sorry fit ;)

nisaa main piano lagu mariage d'amour
sume senyap dgr die main
then tetibe nabil jerit,

hurm bro,
aku paham prasaan ko.
tpi itu sume kisah dulu !
kan ad ?

then aku,ad n nisaa,
serbu bilik mainan fit ngan adik die.
tpi x sempat
fit dh kunci awal2

then kitorang berebut cari kunci
last2 nisaa yg jumpe kunci.

and kitorang lari and kunci pintu.
banyak gile toys fit n adik die.

then bile kitorang turun,
sorang2 kene ketuk kepala ngan fitri

then ridha came,
pastu dpt tau plak ridha ske lagu lucky
x salah ske lagu tuh.

paham ?
sape yg tau cite ni paham la.

dari situ,
sume macam monyok jeh.
tpi aku,nisaa n ad wat bodo jeh.
kitorang memekak mcm x tau malu.
hehe !

but mase tuh,
memang best gileh.

aku rindu korg.
korg ape khabar ?

p/s = gileh miss budk2 skbrp thn 6 2008 !!

hari raya

raya aidiladha kali ni 
memang penat gileh !

bukan penat ape,
cuma penat uruskan wedding akk sedara aku

so balik kampung hari ahad pagi.
xde la pagi mane pon


sampai kampung tengah hari.

mula2 pegi umah nenek aku,
tengok die xde kat umah,
so kitorang gi umah makcik aku.

on the way tuh,
terserempak ngan grandparents aku,
dorg from umah makcik.
so kitorang gi umah makcik aku
untuk makan and tolong2 kemas umah

sebab malam tu ada majlis khatam quran
penganting pompuan nk buat

duduk kat umah makcik smpai kul 6.
balik umah nenek 
then mandi2 and stuff

kul 7 pegi balik umah makcik aku.
x hilang penat dh kene kemas lagi.

malam tu.
ramai gak org dtg.


balik umah malam.
and tido
kat bilik blakang.
dekat ngan dapur

ade la dgr bunyi2 yg seram skit an.
tpi wat bodo jeh.

selamat hari raya aidiladha.

siap2 pakai baju kurung.
then kluar gi kedai
nk breakfast

kitorang pusing SELURUH TOWN
tpi kedai makan semua tutup.
even kedai cina.

so pegi umah makcik,
and breakfast kat sana.

mase sampai tuh,
hujan lebat gile.
so tetamu sume belum ramai datang.

hari inilah hari persandingan akak sedara aku.

kitorang sume busy gileh.
buat keje non-stop.

aku,akak aku n diba(cousin aku)
kitorang kasi potpourri,buah n candy
kpd tetamu yg hadir

kitorang keje x henti.
setiap kali nak rehat,
makcu aku marah.
x paham ke org penat ?
sabo jelah !

tolong2 sume sampai habis wedding.
balik umah nenek pukul 4.
tido jap.

bertolak balik kl pukul 7.30.
and sampai kl kul 1 am.
lame an ?
padahal kampung x jauh pon.

yang lamenye,
sebab jam.
so dalam kerete tuh,
sakit gile badan kitorg.

sampai umah.
aku mandi.
on9 jap smpai kul 3.
then terus tido.

gile penat.
sampai skang pun penat lagi.

p/s = sye mrajuk ke x,bukan akk kesah pon !

Friday, December 5, 2008


sori la lame x update.

mcm biase.
aku ade bnyk crite,
tpi mls nk update.

aku x tau knp ngan aku skangg,,
aku dh geli nk gune words yg x spatutnye tuh

words cmtuh aku gune kat girls jeh,

geli arh,,

bile aku bce post aku
yg ade ayat2 sume tuh
and post psl him la,
ape la,
aku rase geli gileh.

ari tuh gi park ngan susu n fr.
niatnye nk joging.

tpi x joging sgt pon.
bnyk amik gmba jeh.

tgk la gmba2 nye kat blog susu.
memang cacat.

oh heidi,
aku akan terus tanya pasal cincin tuh.
padan muke ko!

dan ko kene ganti coklat aku,
sape sruh mkn coklat aku.

mase kat taman tuh,
fr mcm nk lari jeh daripada aku n susu.

aku tau sebab ape.

dh ar aku mls nk post pnjang2.

p/s = heidi gedik,, :P

Thursday, December 4, 2008


masa berjalan dengan pantas.
begitu pantas.

dari hari ke hari,
aku hanya mengira waktu

untuk masuk tahun 2009.
yang paling ku benci.

i want my 2008 from january
pleaseeeeeeeeeee ? 

tahun depan,
semua pindah

especially yang masuk asrama
i'm gonna miss u guys !
: (

aku nak masuk rk
aku nak masuk asrama
mane nak pilih nie ?

aku x nak tinggalkan member2 aku

kebelakangan nie,
aku sensitif gile
cepat marah
and cepat gile bleh nangis

so bagi sape2 yg kene tempias,
aku mintak maaf sgt2.
aku memang tengah stress lately.

bencinyeh !

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

sepupu ku terkencing atas katil
pada 5 Disember.

percaya x ?

cmment kat cbox


Saturday, November 29, 2008

tag lgi>3

Who was the last girl u talked to ?
Adriana =)

Who was the last guy u talked to ?
Hanafi =)

How do u handle stress ?
many ways.1 of it is shouting

Do u think best frens can be replaced ?
uhhh no way mannnnn !

Who was the last person did u call ?
Adriana.my lover. =D

What does the oldest message in your inbox say ?
Yo nak topup x ?
Rm 10,Rm 50,sye boleh bagi
Nak sms free?boleh
Nak pinjam duit?kami ada bagi
Ingat!kami bukan along
tapi kami kaki KELENTONG!!!
From = Rashdan

What was the last song u sang out loud?
Happy birthday =)

Who was the last person to message u ?
hariz rokman

What time did u go to bed last night ?
1 am

What book are u reading recently?
novels =)

Who gives u the best advise ?
seriously,no one.

Do u eat whipped cream staright from the can?

What was the last thing to make u laugh ?
my stupid attitude =)

What is the colour of ur room?

Do u believe in the saying that " talk is cheap ? "

What are u listening to right now ?
mariage d'amour

Are u talking to anyone while doin this ?
not talking,just chatting

What always makes u smile ?
the teddy bear he gave me =)

Are u blond?

What are u doing after this ?
sleeping ?

Friday, November 28, 2008


suda tarak ada keja lor
kak dyana dh tag aku.

Apa yg kamu lakukan sekitar jam 10.17 semalam?

Selain itu,ape yang kamu lakukan sekarang?

Adakah kamu akan bangun 7.00 pagi esok?
kalo ajak gi dating sye bangun =)

Who is the funniest person u know ?
H.R.dont know why i choose this person

Are u afraid to grow up?
100% yes ! i still wana be a kid.

What was your worst subject in school?
KAJIAN TEMPATAN ! hate sejarah

Kalau anda minum 14 mug root beer,ape yang akan terjadi?

Tidur dengan pintu terbuka atau tertutup?
tertutup !

Bile kali terakhir kamu buat perkara yang kamu rasa salah?
siang tdi

Apa yang sedang kamu pakai sekarang?
baju ler

What are u listening to right now?
bebelan drpd akak ku.

Whats your favourite number ?

How is the weather right now ?
sejuk n nyaman

Who was the last person u talked to on the phone?
Nabil Imad

definitel N.O !

Eye colour ?
brownish and proud of it =)

Bulan kesukaan?
Bulan SYAWAL !!

Ape movie terbaru yg kamu tonton?
Madagascar 2 ( x copy dari mane2 tau)

Hari kesukaan ?
hari tanpa probs

Jika kamu boleh cakap sesuatu pada seseorang,ape yang akan aku ckp ?
I miss u hun =)

Pelukan atau ciuman?

Berkawan lagi dengan rakan2 di sekolah lama?
semestinya !

Left-handed atau right-handed?
right la syg

Mahu tidur dengan brape bantal?
2 cukup.

Tidur dengan seseorang atau bersendirian?
dengan my tedy from him  =)

Ape yang kejutkan kamu pagi tadi ?
terjaga dari nightmare

Boleh teruskan hidup dengan tidak merokok?

Pernah kawan baik kamu buat onar di belakang kamu?
ada = (

Memilih untuk memberi nombor telefon?
nomborku terlalu mahal deyh

Mana lebih suka,McDonalds atau Burger King?

Mahu pegi ke Greece atau Hawaii?
heaven pliz ? =)

Hari jadi yang menarik tahun ni ?
agak ar.

Sape2 xde keje,buat la  =)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

asrama ?

asrama ?

aku confuse
aku tanak masuk asrama
dalam mase same
aku nakkk masuk asrama

gi mana tuh ?

aku confuse gile
baru tadi aku kene lecture ngan akak aku
pasal asrama

aku nak masuk rk je
family aku SEMUA NAK
aku masuk asrama

aku bingung deh

memang ar asrama bagus
rk pun bagus gak

mane-mane leh berjaye
asalkan ade usaha
an>3 ?

bak kata akak aku
"memang la mane2 leh berjaya tapi mama nak yang terbaik untuk ko "

itulah kelemahanku meyh
bile ckp pasal mak aku,
mesti buat aku pikir 10 kali.

tlg ar aku.
bg jwpn kat cbox okeh ?

Monday, November 24, 2008


aku benci lelaki.

sume laki same je.
cakap mcm babun.

seriously la,
i really hate guys.

1 of my fren,
baru je clash.
and her bf pun memang idiot

sorry 2 say this bout her bf
but its true.

and the girl know im writing bout her bf.

and i found this writing
from alia syuhada's myspace.

just wana write it here.


for me,cinta itu ialah satu perjalanan yg boleh membawa perubahan yg besar dalam hidup.
for example,i da habiskan perjalanan itu in SAD ENDING.

kite akan mulakan perjalanan kite apabila kite menyedari yg kite sudah mula menyukai seseorang yang bernama LELAKI.kite akan suka orang tu smpai ade satu mase tu,kite fikir dielah org paling penting dalam hidup kite.Now,kite dah smpai di perhentian HAPPENING.

Perjalanan kite akan sampai di perhentian PATAH HATI bile kite sedari lelaki yang kite suke mempunyai ORANG ISTIMEWA dalam hidup die.di situ,kite akan menghadapi saat-saat duka keseorangan.Then,barulah kite menyedari yang PERSAHABATAN LEBIH KUAT DARIPADA PERCINTAAN.kita akan menghabiskan masa dengan air mata sambil memikirkan tentang lelaki itu.

Tapi perjalanan kite tidak berakhir di sini.kite tetap akan suka lelaki tu walaupun die dah ade orang istimewa dalam hidup die.bahagian ni yang buat kite confuse sebab ape kite nak suke lagi orang yg da sakitkan hati kite.mungkin itulah yang orang katakan THE POWER OF LOVE.

Semakin lama kite menunggu lelaki tu,semakin bosan kite rase kerana kita sanggup menolak orang yang ikhlas mencintai kite semata-mata untuk mendapatkan CINTA PALSU dari lelaki tu.Kita hampir sampai di penghujungnya apabila mulut kite berkata " I DON'T LOVE HIM ANYMORE" but hati kite masih ckp " I STILL LOVE HIM "..Inilah yang dinamakan menipu diri sendiri.kite mule menyedari yg kite menipu diri sendiri setelah kawan2 kite kasi nasihat yang bleh membawa seribu erti dalam hidup kite.

Perjalanan kite berakhir di sini apabila kite telah melupakan lelaki tu 95% dalam hidup kite.tipulah kalau kite cakap yg kite dh x suke die lagi.mesti ade lagi baki2 yg tersimpan dalam hati ni untuk die kan?cinta itu menyakitkan.tapi,ia mengajar kie bagaimana untuk tipu pada diri sendiri,untuk merasai kesakitan kehidupan,untuk melalui malam2 dengan tangisan dan untuk memiliki die sepenuh hati kita.

Sekarang,kite dah boleh lupakan die sedikit demi sedikit.tapi,yang paling menakutkan ialah untuk MENCINTAI SESEORANG LAGI.kite takut jika kita akan dipermainkan lagi oleh seseorang yang bernama LELAKI.dan,ia sangat sakit bagai ditusuk sembilu !! YOU'LL NEVER REMEMBER,THE THINGS I'LL NEVER FoRGET.

itulah ape yg ditulis oleh alia.
ade la aku tambah skit2.

ape yg die ckp tu sume betul.

aku pun pernah rasai ape yang die rasai.
so aku paham perasaan die.

aku x percaya guys.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


im sure u have never heard that name before.

let me tell u more bout naffaa.

NAFFAA is a shortform for
Nabil Imad ( abg long )
Adriana Nadhirah ( kak long )
Fitri Qusyairi ( abg ngah )
Norfatin Suraya ( kak ngah )
Amir Hakim ( abg )
An-Nisaa Jasmine ( adik )

we're family.

we lurve to argue.
but not all of us.

i ALWAYS argue with adriana aka kaklong.
we even argue bcoz of tiny little thing.
but that's US.

although we argue a lot,
i still lurve adriana nadhirah so much.
and i really>33333333 mean it.

she gave me useful advises when i really need them.

and i helped her in her probs too.

oh and>3,
i always argue with nabil aka abglong

die selalu tidak menyenangi tingkah laku aku
yang begitu kebudak-budakkan.
i know it very much.
but its okeh .

i'm ok with it
( maybe ? )

fitri ?
he is the closest person to me.
but that was long time ago.
dont know what happen to us now.
= (

amir hakim ?

ouh.i miss him.as my bro.
hey,im serious lar.
i miss him as my bro.
not more than that.

u can trust me this time.
= )

an-nisaa ?

die lah adek kuh yang paling gile !
she's the craziest sis.
no offence okeh dear ?
= )

naffaa's members really help me a lot
when i really>3 need their help

oh ya>3
view naffaa's blog at


and to all the naffaa members,
dont frget to contact each other
to update about urself.

dont frget naffaa when u found new frens.

and im sorry if i've done anything wrong

i >33333333333333 NAFFAA !

Saturday, November 22, 2008

today ?

had a wonderful day.

woke up in the morning and checked my phone.
then my mum asked me to sleep beside my sis.
coz she wana take a shower.

so played with my sis.
lasak gile.

berguling-guling atas katil tu.
penat aku.
but still i lurve her.

then had my breakfast.

get ready to go to the store.

so went to the store.
mase nk masuk lif.
terserempak ngan awang.
so kitorang macam 
and senyum2 je.

lif bukak and tetibe kluar nubli.
die x prasan kitorang.
then awang ckp
" apahal jumpe sume org arini ? "

and aku senyum and jawab
" kite plan tanpa disedari "

we smiled and went into the lift.

in the lift.
kitorang macam senyap je.

awang asked me
" smalam korang gi ou lar ? "

aku pula menjawab
(aku menggunakan bahasa baku pula.hehe)
"a'a.aku gi ngan tipa,mariam n haikal.best dowh ! "

then mak die pandang aku n senyum.
" kawan sekolah ke ? "
she asked me n awang.

kitorang angguk and senyum again.
senyum lagi.

bak kata aku.
senyum itu sedekah.

oh then.
beli2 barang and stuff.

ate at mac'd.

then balik.

skipped the boring part.

so now im going to night market.
to buy cd's and stuff.


*i lurve u when u lurve me

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


how's life?
sorry i didn't update my blog for quite a long time.


went to school at 7.20 am
wore baju kurung.

when i came,
everyone asked me
" wey fatin,knape ko pakai baju macam tu ? "

so i answered
" aku nak kahwin hari ni.jemputla datang.jangan malu2 "

they know i was just joking.

oh ya,
i wana skip the boring part


then we saw tc khong's car went into the school.
standard 6 tudents were so scared.
i even shouted when i saw tc.

around 10 something,
standard 6 students can go to the bilik peperiksaan
to see their results.

but some of us can't go
bcoz we're the winner.

i,zie,tipa,raf,una was like.
urgh !

kitorang pun nak amek result gak !

so i called my mom 
and asked her to take my result.

i waited patiently beside the hall.

i saw my mom was like SMILING!
then she shouted,
5A !!!!

i was like

am i dreaming or what ?

i ran towards zie and hugged her

my mom came down
and when i saw her,
i ran towards her and jumped !

i cried

1 by 1 went upstairs to check their result.

the headmaster made an announcement.
66 pupils get 5A's !!

let me list pupils that i can remember who get 5A's

anis syafiqah 
ummi zafirah
puteri nurdiyana
aleesya syaliqa

and ade la lagi.

oh and,
to anyone who gets 5A and 4A,
congrats lar !

ade sesi menangis.
everyone macam touching gile.
i'm included


last day of school.
memang sedih.

went to school as always.


in the hall.
all the teachers macam kasi speech 
1 by 1.

then cikgu sruh nyanyi lagu
bertemu dan berpisah

and aku pun,

aku nangis teruk gile.
*sob sob*

then everyone must salam the teachers.

mase turn aku,
i salam tc normah.
she hugged me.

same as tc zana,tchr noridzin n ckgu azlin.

bile salam ckgu liza n cikgu khanizah.
dorang peluk aku

pastu dorang sruh jage diri elok2.
ingat sume pesanan.

then salam tc khong.
i hugged her.
and i said i'm sorry for the things i've done.
and she cried.

lagi la aku nangis.
i lurve>3333333
the teachers so much.

and i don't wana leave skbrp.
i lurve that school although im a new kid.

and i dont wana go to the secondary school.
i still wana be a kid.
i dont wana be a teenager.

can someone help me pleaseeeeeeeeee ?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

uhlala mannnnnnnnn :)

oh hey
how's ur day?

wanna know mine?
seriously,not oke mannnnnn :(

i went to school and wear my tudung like always.
i didn't wear anak tudung.
and aku berjaya bentuk tudung itu.

uhhhhhh happpyyyynyerrrrrr :):):):):)

had a normal day.

i feel like skipping my story today.
may i?
oh thanx !

we rehearsed for hari anugerah cemerlang after recess.
so aku,nisaa,nabil n aqil went to the computer lab.
to print something.

we spent almost 1 hour 30 mins there.
woaah ! :O

when we came back,
keadaan mase tuh bising gile.

sume x endah untuk rehearsal tu.

oh and,
aku,adriana n nisaa lepak2 je.

oh and,
mase tu aku panggil nabil.
aku mintak plastik air oren die.
mase tu air dh abis,
so aku x minum air but aku makan ais dalam plastik tu.

and zie,tipa n tqa was like
" ko makan sisa nabil ? "

so aku jawab la
" mane ade sisa.die belum buang lagi kan.alaaa,relax la.die abang aku.aku slambe je ngan die "
and adriana tumpang sekaki mannnn :)

oh and after that,
balik laaaa ape lagi an ?

balik ngan ifwat,izzat,epi n afiq.
izzat n afiq x abis2 tanye aku.
" wey,jujur tau.aku handsome ke x ? "

aku plak
" x yah la prasan.x handsome langsung "
and smiled at them.

met susu,fatin r,kak aina n kak fana kassim at the smk.
continued walking with them.

and aku bawak half buku teks kak aina.
aku sungguh baik,an ?

and talked with susu about j***n
susu sedih,
x dapat jumpa j***n mase cuti nanti.

so aku cakap la.
amir email die.
chat la waktu cuti nanti.

die cakap
" dah amik dah "

aku reply
" wow.advance gile.cuti pun blom "

then aku terus lari masuk umah.
bagi mengelakkan aku di'bunuh' oleh susu la an.

then online from 1 till now.

and around 4 or 5 tadi,
die call aku.
so kitorang pun berbincang tentang future.
ceh,mane ade.

conersation aku and die di private kan meyh.
privacy aku,x kan nk bgtau orang.

oh and tadi,
aku chat ngan amalin.
although i'm a new kid,
i know her oke ?


chat ngan die pasal nabil,amir,fitri,adriana n lain2.
uhlala,banyak kisah silam aku tau.

and now,
chatting with ad.
kitorang ni,
ade masalah je.
mesti share la mannnnnn

she's my sis
my evil sis

i hope u're reading this

oh and oke,
aku kene out.

aku ade candle light dinner malam ni
kat tepi tasik.

nak tau ngan sape?
manusia lar.

don't walk behind me,i may not lead,don't walk in front of me,i may not follow,just walk beside me and be my friend,

Monday, November 10, 2008

ouh,plain stupid !

oh hey.
so now i just wana say,
im stupid.
get it?

so today,
didn't go to school.
coz we went yesterday.
for program penutupan bacathon.

all students MUST come to school yesterday.
although it's sunday.
sume ponteng.


so yesterday,
lepak with adriana,nabil n nisaa.
oh and,
i can't tell u what happen.


good enough meyh?

and now,
i'm fever + flu + sore throat = orangsakitla.

and guess what?
this afternoon,
i almost faint.

xleh bangun.
pening gileeeeeeeeeeee.

went to buy topup with susu this evening.
susu blanje topup.
thanx my dear :)

went to 7-E,
use mine n susu's money to buy chocolates.

we bought cadbury n crunchy.
yummylicious mannn :)

walked to the small park.
lepak2 jap.

on the way balik,
saw kak aina n kak fatin r ade the big park.
smk between us.
get it?

so i shouted.
me : KAK AINA !!
kak aina : * no respond*
me : *shouted again*
kak aina : *shouted*NAK APE?
me : DTG AR SINI !

i saw kak aina n kak fatin coming here.
so i waited with susu.

when they came,
me : dh>3.korg x yah la gaduh2 lagi*talks to susu n fatin r.*
susu&fatin r : *quiet*
me : korg x yah la gaduh2 lagi.xyah nk gedik2.cepat mintak maaf
susu : *stares fatin r*

after kene marah sume,
baru dorg mintak maaf.

they were suppose to give me rm 10 each tomorrow.

i don't care mannnnnn.

and now,
baru lepas nangis.
and nk continue nangis kejap lagi.

coz of him,
the person who kills my soul.

all this while,
he lied to me.
he NEVER likes me.
guess so?

that what my friends told me.

and i knw,
u would say that,
dont trust my frens n stuff.

and what i think is,
although he didn't tell me yet.
but i knw.

so wait for tomorrow,
i'll bring bom atom
and i'll throw right at his face !
he deserves that !

who am i?
oh pleaseeeeeeeeeeee laaaa mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn,
i'm still a human being who have feelings.
get it ?

i wanna call him and ask him EVERYTHING !

and tomorrow afternoon,
if u saw ambulans at sk***,
u really should see who is the patient.
it may be HIM !

the person who killed my soul !

and if it's him,
i would like u to smile at him like this

no need to smile.
just look who is the patient is.

get it my dear readers :) ?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


arini ni memang betul2 teruk.

sume bnda buruk berlaku.

jalan kaki pegi skolah.
coz my mum xde kat sini

on the way tu,
terserempak ngan twins.

izzat : wey,ko pegi skolah ngan balik skolah jalan kaki ke?
me : xla.biase mak aku antar.tpi arini mak aku xde.
i & i : ouh.k la bye.

dorg pakai basikal.
laju la sampai skolah.
tertinggal kat blakang.

sampai kat skolah.
mcm biase.

die x pakai cincin.
die kate adik die hilangkan.
*no comment*

lepak dalam dewan.
danial kasi 1 poem ni.
die nk kasi kat the girl

so aku bace la.
memang sedih gile
sampai aku nangis.
dasyat kan?

then lepak2 je.

lupe la.

oh ya.
ade satu part yg buat aku nangis

dorang fitnah2 aku peluk nazmi.
Ya Allah.
aku sumpah aku x peluk die.

budk2 skbrp yg bace post nie,
wey tlg la.
korg stop fitnah ley x?

dh la korg x tau true story.
nk canang crite x betul kat sume org.
dosa la !

lain kali tnye tuan empunya diri !
aku benci la manusia camni.

aku x kacau hidup korang an?!
nk kacau aku punye pasal?
syiakkk gileeee !

ni soal maruah sorg pompuan.

ade fight skit ngan die

mula2 nampak die pakai cincin tu,
x tau la.
die kate dh ilang.
tp die pakai.

tadi mase sume org fitnah tu,
die x backup aku.
die lagi setuju.

aku ape lagi?
nangis AGAIN.

memang teruk aku nangis.
sume buat bulatan,
tgk aku nangis.

kebelakangan ni,
aku sedikit emo.
sensitif gile.
kene mrah skit dh nangis.
knp erk?

then balik.
jalaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn kaki.

pahal aku buat camtu?

aku sms ngan die.
tpi kejap je.
sebab die x nk sms.

so die call aku.
senang la nk ckp.
aku luahkan sumenye
die pun luahkan sumenye.

now aku paham cara cinta die.
thanx sebab bagitau.
insyaAllah aku cuba oke?

oke ar.
aku dh penat.
ni nk cari poems untuk fitri.

-sometimes true forgiveness can be the hardest thing to live with

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

annoying gileeee

annoying r.

bnci gileee !
memang bnyak bnda teruk berlaku arini.

gaduh ngan AD n DA.
reason xleh ckp.

memang menyakitkan ati betol la.
bukn AD or DA.
but budk2 lain.
cam syiakk jer !

arini tido lame gile.
coz sakit kepala.
bangun tido,
lagi pening.

ape aku mrepek nie?!

to dani,
ko memang annoying gileeee !
sedar2 la sndri.
aku mls nk ckp !
ko memang A.N.N.O.Y.I.N.G !!

susu : i hate ****** ( a girl )
kak dyana : life memang menyusahkan

*where there is love,there is no life

Monday, October 27, 2008

trip to shah alam n terengganuuuu !

ni nk update.
so to korg2 yg sruh update,
anda sume dijemput bace.
weeee !

trip to shah alam
16 Oct 2008,Thursday

berkumpul kat skolah around 7.30.
waited for the bus.
ade 3 bas.

bas A = class B and K
bas B = class U and I
bas C = class T and R

dlm bas tu.
lupe la.
ni la lame x update.

kat muzium.
kinda boring.
jalan2 ngan an-nisaa.
my adik.

then amik2 gmba.
nk tgk gmbanye?
lawatilah blurppy.blogspot.com

then gi wetworld.
patutnya ade sukaneka.
but cikgu batalkan(kot?)

nabil fought with ade some kids nie.
kids yg x tau malu + stupid.
bodoh gilee.


trip to Terengganu
24,25,26 Oct 2008

ni baru gempak.

bertolak mlm jumaat.
kul 10.30 baru bertolak.

in the bus,
kejap je kitorg bising.
then sikit2 start tido.
i slept at 2.30 till 3.
3.15 till 4.30.

reached masjid terapung at 5.
solat subuh there.
lawa masjid tu.
memang terapung.

then went to muzium terengganu.
kinda best + boring.
saw BIG biawak there.

mula2 ingatkan buaya tau.
sbb sungai tu dalam n tenang je.
kitorg buang mentos dlm tu.
nk tarik perhatian buaya
but hampeh je.

kitorg cube kelar tangan.
aku sorg je cuba kelar tangan.
nk bagi darah menitik dalam sungai tu.
nk tengok buaya punye pasal.

went to taman tamadun islam.
nampak ar masijd2 sume.
lawa gilerrrrr !

kitorg sampai2 je,
kitorang serbu cafe dulu.
me,zieqa,rafiqah n latifa.
lapo lar.

then naik tram.
latifa blanje.
rm 20.

check in kat intan beach resort.
kinda best jugak la bilik tuh.
3 1/2 star hotel.
1 room = 2 people.
i shared with zie.

after dh mandi,solat n tukar baju.
went to kilang nor arfa batik at 2.
lawa giler batik kat sane.
rasa nk beli.
but tarak bajet.

then pegi pantai marang.
x best sgt.
sebab hujan gerimis.
so main pasir jap.
then amik2 gamba.

sori susu,
x bawak balik pasir kat sane.
xde bekas la.
plastik tepi jalan pun takde.

then balik hotel.
had dinner at 7 something.
spatutnye lepas dinner kitorg gi jalan2,
but hujan.
so balik n lepak bilik kawan2.

zie n i lepak bilik raf n tipa.
then nazmi called me.
sruh turun coz nk amik2 gmba.
so kitorg turun.
amik2 gmba.

then raf,zie n tipa naik bilik.
i lepak with anis,alia,kerol,nazmi n awang at the lobi.
we played truth or dare.
played till 11.

coz we waited for teachers.
teachers sume gi jalan.
murid2 kene tinggal.

mase tengah main2 tu,
dgr2 org menjerit2.
then tipa called me.
cakap ade org lari2 depan bilik die n jerit2 depan bilik die.
so i,nazmi,alia n anis went to check.

xde pape pun.
but dorg takut.
so ajak sume turun terus.
kejap je dorg turun.
pastu naik bilik.
slept at 11.

woke up at 6.15
siap2 for breakfast.
berkumpul kat lobi pukul 7.30.

then went to bukit puteri.
pasar payang.
S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G !!!

aktiviti yg paling digemari oleh kami.

after that.
balik hotel.
kemas beg.
check out at 12.

then on the way balik.s
singgah losong.
beli keropok lekor.

in the bus.
dorg simpan sos atas bas.
so bile bas bergerak.
sos ok lagi.
but bile bas pusing.

voom !
sos jatuh n pecah.
so tumpah atas bas tu.
gile ow !

had lunch at kemaman.
at 2.30.
lambat lunch.

then stopped solat asar.
mase tu aku pakai cincin nazmi.
kluar bas cincin tu jatuh.
so cari2.
ramai tlg cari.

tgh2 cari tu,
dani tembak pakai pistol mainan tu.
but ade peluru.
sakit gileeee !
then the driver jumpa cincin tu.

mase naik bas tu.
rase blakang sakit gile.
so zie n anis check blakang.
lebam gile !
merah !

aku nangis ow !
sebab sakit gileeee !!
pastu dani n hariz mintak maaf.
sebab dorg ingat xde peluru.
to hariz n dani,
korg dh dimaafkan.
jangan risau la.
xde ape pun.
cuma sakit lagi je.

stop solat maghrib at bukit tinggi.

reached skbrp at 8.30.
keluarkan bag and stuff.
then balik.

memang penat gile.
but gempak la.
coz ade lgi yg sye x crite.

k la.
dh penat gilee nie.
to f.r,susu n sape2 yg sruh sye update,
ni dh update.
so korg kene blanje.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

bola beracun

arini syok gilerrr.

woke up late today.
reached school around 7.20.
had the b.o.r.i.n.g. assembly.

year 6 all went into the hall.
to discuss about our competition.
boys played soccer.
girls played bola beracun.
syok !!

so girls.
the game started with kump.teratai vs kump.orkid.
orkid win.
our group,
semarak api.
kitorg lawan kump. bunga kertas.
we won.

kitorg bengang ngan group sheera and the gang.
sakit ati gile !
dorg main tipu!
gile ow !
dh kene bola x nk out !
bukan sorg !
ramai and bnyk kali !
sabo jelar!!

then lawan lawan lawan lawan lawan lawan lawan.
until recess.
then makan2.

masuk balik dewan.
then cikgu sruh bincang.
psl group choir.
and pilih lagu patriotik.
kitorg x bincang pown !

sye,zie n fiqa main twister.
memang twist abis la.
sye bawah zie.
fiqa atas sye.
sume la.

patutla name twister.
sape nk tulang lembut,
dijemput bermain twister.
dijamin,x lama slepas itu.
tulang anda bleh dibengkok-bengkok.

then balik.
on9 till petang.

then tdi kan.
sye tgh call ummi kat atas.
bunyi something pecah.

cepat2 letak phone and turun.
tgk2 kan .
kaca bersepah2 kat ruang makan.

ade dulang kat atas meja.
ntah cmne,
adik bleh tarik dulang tu.
ade 6 cawan kaca.
abis la sumenye pecah.

sume cam panic jap.
so kemas2 kaca.
tgn berdarah kene kaca.
pedih gilerrr !!

kemas2 sume abis.
then teros on9.

k la.
nk tido.

kak nurul farhana

poems ini ditujukan kepada
thanx for being nice to me.
tenkiu so much ;)



Teardrops are falling,
Forever they will,
For no one can stop,
Their endless chill.

They come during loss,
When you're down,even happy,
They can poor like the rain,
Or drrizzle down slowly.

No matter what,
The tears will always be here.
All that we want,
Is for someone to care.

Monday, October 6, 2008


sorry lame x update.
no mood.
tgh sedih.
betul2 sedih.

it's about.
him again.
betul2 confuse.

die ckp.
die x lupekan sye lg.
die xnk.

i'm very3 sad.
x tau nk buat ape.

sye pun x lupekan die lg.
it's just.
it's not that easy.

it's not that easy 
to forget someone u really love n care.

maybe some can.
i can't.
i've tried.
many times.
i can't.

help me.

i know he is reading this.
to ' him ',
bot of us need 1 more chance.
trust me.


and to others,
need ur help.
help me.

Friday, October 3, 2008


syawal menjelma!
syok gile sambut raye.

i have so many things to tell.
i'm gonna make 2 posts.
this post is ONLY about happy moments.
i'll tell u about the sad moments.
on the next post.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
1st day
( 1st day at kmpung ! )

reached kmpung at 11.30 pm.
talked talked talked talked.
until 2 am.
my mom asked us to sleep.

my mom,my lil sis and my bro sleep in the room at the back.
me and my eldest sis sleep at the living room.
cian kitorg.
dh biasa.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2nd day

woke up at 8 something.
mandi and stuff.
kemas2 umah.
siapkan kuih raya.
then kitorg buat ketupat.
pakcu buat daun tu.
me,my mom,my sis and my aunt
masukkan beras.
ketupat tu gile GEMOK.

tgk tv.
until malam.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1st day of

woke up at 7.
mandi and stuff.
pakai baju kurung.

then siap2 kuih dlm bekas.
until 11 something.
waited for my aunt's familt to come.
they came around 11.30.

we sat at the living room.
for salam2.
ikut umur ler.
at 1st all of us had to salam our grandparents.
ikut umur juge.

ikut turutan.
bile turn anak lelaki salam parents.
sume nangis.
including me.

then went to my aunt's hse.
dekat je.
stayed there until.
can't remember.

went home in the evening.
mlm tu tgk tv jer.
cite2 raye.
takbir raye.
sume psl raye.

- - - - - - - - - - - - 
2nd day

woke up at 8.
lambat skit.
kemas2 umah.
didn't remember wat i did.
at 3 something.
many people came.

maklang came with opah and the kids.
i played with kak yang.
angah was so jahat.
x abis2 sakat org.
borak2 ngan paklang,kak yang,angah n along.

lepas dorg balik.
dtg plak lagi yg lain.
layan2 smpi kul 5 cmtu.

ade lg dtg.
smpi kul 6.
so kitorg bertolak dlm 7 something.

on the way tu.
borak2 sumela.
mcm biase.
stop mkn Mc'D.
sedap !
reached home at 12 am.

mls la nk taip post psl sad moments tuh.
nanti2 la.

Monday, September 29, 2008


i can't remember what happen yesterday.
*trying to recall*
now i remember.

woke up at 8.
on9 till 9.
followed my mom to pasar.
beli santan,ikan,ayam.

then went to buy bags.
beg balik kampung ler.
my mom threw mine and my sis's bags.
went home at 12 or 1.

then on9.
watched movies.
played with my little sis.
what else?

ate steam fish + ayam msk lemak
at night.
did nothing.
except on9 n tv.

i'm chatting with sheera.
susu dh off.

i want to go to ou.
but xde transport.

k la.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


penat giler.
bnyk tempat pegi arini.

woke up at 10 something.
on9 till 11.
kemas2 bilik.
went to the store at 12.
to buy baju kurung and shoes.
guess what?
i bought 2 pairs of shoes.
bnyk kan?

went home at 3.
mkn je x.

went out at 5.40.
to uncle indra's hse.
ade majlis doa selamat.
and buka puasa.

gi umah kak farhana ( cheras )
at 8.30.
till 9.
ade mkn kek skit.
reached home at 10.30.

so my post kali ni pendek gile2.
xde pe nk cite.


Friday, September 26, 2008


came to school at 7.15.
kinda late coz ade prob ngan tudung.
saje wat masalah pagi2.
lepak with zie and tiq.
like always.

we had perhimpunan.
then year 6 went into the hall.
followed by year 4 and 5.
duduk2 jap.
dgr ucapan from guru besar.
perasmian and blabla.

then ceramah from ustad.
lawak gile tau!
x kering gusi gelak.
die ske buat org terkejut.
and mase kuiz.
die ckp adiahnye rm 1
"duit seringgit ni bernilai tau.gmba tunku abdul rahman tgh senyum"
sakit perut.

then dgr boys baca surah2 al-quran.
sedap gak.
suara sume kuat2.
before balik.
salam2 ngan cikgu2 and member2.
sedih.sayu.nk nanges.

walked to smk.
reached there around 12.15.
suddenly ujan lebat gile.
dh la the kakaks x kluar lg.
so duduk jela bawah pokok tu nk berteduh.
tp basah juge!
nasib baik ade auntie cina ni,die baik.
die tumpangkan dlm kereta die until ujan stop.
thx auntie.

then the kakaks kluar.
jumpa kak aina.
followed by kak dyana.
finally,jumpe gak kak dyana.
berckp lagi tuh.
then susu and kak fana.
but kak fana x cam muke sye.
die jln je.
bile org panggil and pas kat raye.
die cm.
huh?sape nie?
so i smiled and gave her the card.
i said.
" x kenal ke?"
kak fana ckp.
" faaaafaaafaaaa....tin ke?!"
gagap2 plak.
me : ye.ni fatin.then i laughed.
die cm senyum and ckp thanx.
the balik ngan susu and kak aina.
tumpang kereta susu.

on9 from 1 till 2.30.
slept from 2.30 till 6.
i know.
i am lazybones.

at night.
went to spp with my sis.
then ginshop.
followed by mc'd.
asyik gado je ngan sis dlm krete tu.
kami bagaikan anjing & kucing.
x bleh bersatu.
skema ayat.

ok la.



i had this conversation with qamaryna.
wana know?

me : askum
qamaryna : waalaikumsalam
me : kenal x sape ni?
q : ni kawan qas kan?
me : ye.
me : knp gado ngan farhana?
q : adela.knp ko sebok?
me : bukan sebok.nk tlg je.korg kan bestfren.cmne leh gado?
q : eeeeee
me : knp fitnah2 and gado2 bulan puasa nie?x baik tau
q : mane ade fitnah
me : ok.tp nape gado?
me : dosa tau kalo x kwn
me : kalo x kwn,pastu x tegur sape slame 3 ari.dosa tau!
q : biarla.die yg tipu dulu sape sruh.org dh tau die yg letak dulu.nape nk tipu.
me : sbb die letak blog asma and hana je korg gado?
q : ye.
me : biarla die nk kwn ngan asma and hana.x salah kan berkawan?
q : tak.tpi jgnla berkawan ngan kwn org.
me : knp plak x leh.ade ke tertulis SAYE KAWAN QAMARYNA kat badan asma and hana?
q : tak?
me : abis tu biarla dorg berkawan.asma and hana bukan kwn awk sorg je.
q : pape jela.
q : ok lah.bye.nk berbuka.
me : akak,leh tlg saye x?
q : ape?
q : cepat skit.nanti lambat berbuka.
me : leh x akak kawan balik ngan farhana?
q : hmmmm
q : ok
me : betul nie?
me : ikhlas?
q : ye.

tu je.
the conversation i had to help susu and qamaryna.
and thanx to kak qamaryna.
sebab nk kwn balik ngan susu.
to kak qamaryna,
jgn marah sbb tulis conversation nie.
xde sape marah pun.
oke ?
don't worry.

k la.


Thursday, September 25, 2008


i have LOTS of thing to write.
let me start.

i didn't go to school today.
coz i woke up late.
around 7.20.
so i decided not to go to school.

slept till 8.
woke up and on the laptop.
played the laptop till 1.15.
then husna came.
we talked,played and did some other stuffs.
she went to sk agama at 2.

susu came at 2.15.
she wanted to show me something in her phone.
so was at my hse for about 15 - 20 mins.
then we went to play outside.

1st we went to kak fatin's hse.
she's sick.
so we disturbed her.
she was shock when we arrived.
she was like.
kak fatin : susu ! what are u doing here? and...fatin suraya?why are u here too?
we talked and talked till.

then went to kak aina's hse.
to disturb her too.
coz she told me she had LOADS of work to do.
so we disturbed her.

when we arrived,
she acted the same as kak fatin.
we went into her hse.
kitorg sepahkan umah die.
we had pillow fight.
kak fatin started the game.

my job was capturing the photos.
kak aina was so ' malu2 gajah '
coz she didn't wear tudung.
then ayah die balik.

susu said something funny.
but logic.
i wana tell u but susu will kill me if i tell u.
so ask me privately if u wana know.
the twins were sleeping.

stayed at kak aina's hse till 3.15.
then me,susu n kak fatin went to the small park.
we lied on the ground.
i asked susu to take our pics.
then we played on the slide.

a bee came near us.
we were shocked.
susu ran gila jauh from the slide.
then susu n kak fatin lepak at the pondok.
i went to the slide again.
many bees came.
then i saw sarang lebah atas bumbung.
kat slide tuh.
i was like.
i ran towards susu n kak fatin.
i told them what i saw.

kak fatin and susu : fatin x nmpk ke td?
me : nmpk tp sye ingat ade seekor je.
kak fatin : hahaha.
me : patutla susu lari jauh2 td.
susu : abis x kan nk lari cmtu kalo nmpk seekor lebah je.
me and kak fatin : hahahaha.

i had this 1 idea.
me and kak fatin took small stones and throw to the bees.
mule2 x kene.
then i baling.
but x bnyk sgt.
so kak fatin threw the stones.
guess what?
so we ran like crazy.
takut bees tu kejar.

then i followed susu to this auntie's hse.
auntie ramlah?
guess so.
stayed there till 4 sumthing.
followed susu to bazaar ramadhan.

we played with susu's sis in the car.
we captured pics too.
i'm addicted to camera 24 hours.

went home at 6.30
kinda late rite?
imagine 2 1/2 hrs with susu?
x penah cmtu.
coz before this.
i kinda malu ngan susu.

penat gile arini.
x sangka cmtu.
anyway,1st time went into kak aina's hse.

attention to korg yg ade ptg td.
gamba2 td MUNGKIN akan di-upload di blog.
or myspace.
tgk la cmne oke ?
but gmba x pakai tudung x masuk.
but ade some gmba x pakai tudung masuk.
tp x nmpk rambut pun.
oke kak aina?
dun worry oke ?

k la.
nk siapkan kad raya.



the title.
explains what i'm gona write about.

to those who are fighting,
pliz guys,
stop fighting would yah?

why would u be fighting with each other?
just bcoz of tiny little thing,
u explode like volcano.

gado nie bazir mase + tenaga + air liur je.
u have to talk and talk and talk to defend urself.
bazir la sume tu kan?
in the end,
no one wins.
and both of u will be enemies.

why don't both of u face 2 face.
and discuss about the prob.
but don't raise ur voice when u're discussing.
it will make things worse.

people who are fighting nie.
actually,they are frens.
but it's normal.
frens do fight rite?
both of u need to control urself.
stop blaming each other.
try to see what is YOUR OWN mistakes.
before u blame people.
and u need to stop telling people bout ur fren's mistakes.
pliz stop oke ?

u were besties before.
now what happen?
both of u are like enemies.
although i dun know both of u well,
but seems that i know some of ur stories.

X NAK masuk campur.
i'm not pointing this post to anyone.
sape makan cili trase pedasnye.
x menyebelahi mane2 pihak.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008


blom pape dh gelak.
went to the store just now.
ni baru je balik.

many things happened.
i'll tell u 1 by 1.

parked the car.
went into the lif.
then suddenly.
a family came and stop the lif.
then i saw.
guess who?
i saw danial alif.

shocked gile mase tuh.
die mase nak masuk lif tu.
he saw me.
so he was like.
he turn around but his family was in the lif.
so he had no choice.

then went to find our stuffs.
i wana buy kad raya.
my bro wana buy jeans.
kinda fun coz i keep fighting with my bro.
not the real fighting but kinda mcm buat jokes la.
then i saw putera zhareef.
ingat nk tegur.
but die ngan ayah die.
so blah jela.

we took half an hour to choose the card.
went into the lif to go to the carpark.
so here the funny part started.

the woman : *blablablablabla*
the funny man : itu park bahagian bumbung la dowl!
all in the lif : HAHAHA.

another 1.

the funny man : colour rambut the bang? ( ask to 1 father bout the his son)
the father : x la.x warnekan.ORIGINAL nie.
the funny man :ouh.lawa la tu.sesuai.
the father : biasela.ikut ayah die.ayah die kan hensem.
all in the lif : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
the father : yela.lambat sgt nak puji.sye pujila diri sndri.
me : * ape la dorg nie.mrepek je.hahahaha*

then,reached at the 2nd floor.

the funny man : ok.ni tingkat dua.ade sape2 nk kluar? ( talks while he went out of the lif )
all : ............
the funny man : ok2.xde nk kluar?sye masuk la balik (he smile WIDELY!)
me,my mom n my bro : hahaha.jd mcm pembantu lif.

reached at the 3rd floor.
so we went out.
kat luar lif pun gelak2 lagi.
ade gak ek laki cmtu?

on the way home,
saw the boys at the surau.
kumpul ramai2.
x ajak aku pun.
reached home at 9.30.



today we did civics project.
kad hari raya GERGASI.

my group did christmas card.
we thought we wana change to raya aidilfitri.
but still dunno yet.
we did our card halfway.

me,zie,mariam,latifa n farrina.
played this 1 game.
we used a ribbon and tied the person's hand or leg.
or both.
1st i tied zie's n farrina's hand.

nk ikat punyela susah.
dorg bukak tali tu senang je.
sakit ati betul.
farrina senang2 je lepaskan tgn die.

then najwa came to join us.
so we tied her's hand.
mule2 tgn SAHAJA.
then die memekak je.
kitorg ikat kaki skali.
die bengang gile.

then she made it.
die berjaya bukak ribon tu.
then die kejar kitorg sume.
she pull my tudung.
abis terbuka brooch.
she pulled mariam's tudung also.
but mariam punyer tudung terus tercabut.

die kejar zie pusing 1 dewan.
zie lari smpi langgar2 org.
she pushed me.
langgar dinding.
kuat gile.
sakit tgn.
dh lebam nie!

kitorg mcm bengang la ngan minah sorg nie.
abis sume die ' rempuh '.

then we sat quietly at the hall.
not together.
sorg duk selatan.
sorg duk barat.
sorg timur.
sorg utara.
cmtu la.
all kinda merajuk with each other.

boys 6K had to clean the hall today.
so i sat outside the hall.
i was like.
but actually.
i was crying.
sume tnye.
" wei fatin,ko knp??ckp la..bgtau la aku"
so i was like.
"xde papela..aku bad mood je"
n went to sit alone.
dorg mcm.
huh?pahal die tuh?

walked home with husna.
x balik ngan susu.
die balik ngan mak die.

so here i am.
updating this blog.
to farrina,
ur name is in this blog.
oke ?

k la.gtg.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


today is such a boring day.
it's like.
i have no stories to tell all of u.

reached school at 7.20.
kinda late.
lepak with atiqah.
then we had perhimpunan.
kejap je.
lagu,info nilam and blablabla.

today xde tadarus.
so we started our sc competition.
build planets.
kinda hard to do it.
mule2 kitorg punye x lawa.
but in the end.
we thought it was kinda ok.

so kitorg antar jela.
then like always.
clean the hall.
then tc told us bout project for tomoro.

walked home with husna.
went to the smk.
to see the kakaks.
but the kakaks were not there.

i'm watching freedom writers.
it is a good movie.
u should watch the movie.

k la.


who is he?
he is.
' he '.

who are close to me know who is he.
if he is reading this blog,
he will know that he is ' he '.

he ask me to forget him.
he think it's that easy huh?
very3 hard.
i've tried.
for 2 months.
but i failed.

so i started to ignore him.
but still i can't.
i meet him everyday.
except sat,sun n public holidays.

he said.
we're not going to be together again.
so now.
i'm very3 sad.

to the person ( he ),
dun get angry if i write bout u in this blog.
this is the only way i can express my feelings.

wei3 korg3,
tlg la aku.
cmne nk lupekan die?
susah ow!
cmmnt kat chatbox oke ?

k la.
bukan nk tido.
nk gi wat aktiviti lain.
watpe nk tido.
jap lagi ayam berkokok.
bazir tenaga je tido.


Monday, September 22, 2008


why am i laughing?

i came to school late today.
coz i woke up late.
reached school around 7.20 am.

when i went to my frens.
adriana was there.
at first i dunno what to say to her.
coz she dun wana look at me.
so i tried to have a conversation with her.
but she dun care bout me.
i made jokes like pushing her or pull her vest.
suddenly she pulled my tudung.

so i ignored her n lepak with my other frens.
we're fighting.
for some reason.
private n confidential.

then we had perhimpunan.

we started our sc competition today.
we had to build a poster bout the planets ( cakerawala ? )
i,zie n tiq didn't do our work.
we were playing.
boring + fun .
i and zie played shipwreck ( dunno how to spell it )
like always.
i win.

continued till 12.
today was the boys from 6I turn to clean the hall.
blablabla till 12.25.
went into the hall ( again).
tc liza talked bout the psra.

to students who are taking psra exam,
gud luck oke ?

walked home with susu,kak fatin n kak aina.
susu n kak fatin was singing + dancing ( kinda joget2 )
on the road.
yeah i know.
dorg memang x tau malu.
no offence.

i and kak aina walked together.
and the 2 ' minahsewel ' walked together at the back.
i kept on asking kak aina.

Me : kak,bila nk sampai ni?
Kak Aina : entahla.jauh lg tu.
Me : adoi! terseksa nie!
Susu and kak Fatin : HAHAHA.

then they continued singing loudly.

Me : korg,senyapla skit.malula.
susu n kak Fatin : hahaha.
Susu : fatin,live with it.
Me n kak Aina : *geleng2*

when i reached my hse.

Me : finally! dh sampai pun.
the kakaks : hahaha.
Me : korg jgn nyanyi lg.nanti ujan ( to susu n kak fatin )
Susu : biarla hujan.sejuk skit.
Me : kalau hujan je takpe.ni skali ngan ribut taufan.
Susu : eh.taknakla.
Me : taupun.kak aina,balik wat solat hajat supaya x ribut.
kak Aina : *angguk2* ok2.
susu n kak Fatin : hahaha.

they are so3 crazy.
anyway,lupe nk tulis.
mase sampai kat smk tu,
fk jeling mcm nk makan je.
nasib baik puasa.
kalo x,agaknye die dh mkn.
the kakaks mesti tau who is fk right?

dh panjang dh.
berjangkit dari susu.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


i've been tagged.
by kak dyana.

no fat in susu soya ( OMG!)

playing with my sis

change my attitude
play with my youngest sis
scream? :)

lost and found
canon and rock

his eyes
his laugh
his smile

the old me
my late tokngah
my late uncle ( papa man )

teddy bear
new handphone
laptop ASUS

hangout with my frens

Heaven :)

dr black jack
little einsteins( i know,kinda childish )

Pizza Hut

milo ice
watermelon juice
wintermelon drink

small mirror


kak fana

so,i've done it.