Daisypath Anniversary tickers

aww, birds :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

I love kids

kids nowadays :') Hahahahahaha.
I love winnie and harold's answer xD

Happy friday !

Salam :)

Hihi dah petang baru nak cakap Happy Friday. Um takpelah, Happy Evening Friday ! :D

Today was... um la vast. I dont know what does that mean so just create you own meaning, haha xD Anyways, surprisingly i was not sleepy during the History class. Its on the first and second period anyway.& boleh paham bab 3 :') Tapi baru je mula bab 3 so not going to be that happy much. Mana tau kang sangkut pulak kat tengah bab.

Did pmr past year questions for Geography.

Actually, im pretty excited that im taking Pmr this year. I havent sit for any big exam since Upsr, so this feeling of going to sit for big exam is kinda special and im going to enjoy this. Hahahaha blergh, lame. Anyways, test's in one week o.O I think im 70% ready. Gotta read more for KH, Science & History chapter 2 :/

OH OH OH. For the first time, makan nasi goreng kampung kat kantin tanpa air. I am so proud :') Eh wait tapi ada sekali minum air sirap zue sebab tak tahan pedas. Hahahahaha. Aku mana boleh makan pedas sangat woo, lagi lagi takde air kan kan, nanti habis mata hidung semua berair. Satgi orang ingat aku nangis, macam apa je -.-

Oh agama paling best :') Kitorang kena ambik wudhu' and pergi surau. Mula mula ingat ustad nak buat solat Duha, tapi tettt. salah salah. Ustad nak buat praktikal solat hajat. Tapi, kena buat betul betul. So kitorang semua jemaah ramai ramai :') Hihi macam ada satu feeling terharu tau. idontknow why. Sebabkan solat jemaah, so ustad suruh kitorang hajatkan benda yang sama. Ada yang sujud agak lama, lepas ustad dah habis pun dia tak habis lagi.

Then ustad explain sikit sikit pasal solat hajat. Paling best belajar dengan ustad amin sebab ada je new stories dia cerita yang berkaitan dengan tajuk yang sedang dibelajar :D

Rasanya belajar kat surau lagi segar daripada belajar kat kelas. Ustad ustad, kita tukar lah. jom belajar dekat surau je setiap kali waktu agama, hehe :D

Lepastu science sekejap and tak mengantuk jugak ! Wohoooooo. Bila dah balik, kelam kabut pergi bilik guru sebab nak jumpa cikgu Md. Shah, nak ambik magazine sekolah untuk fawwaz. Fawwaz, insyaAllah kalau saya datang esok saya bawak ye :D Haha setiap kali call dia suruh bawak, rindu sangat tu dekat BRP :')

Hahaha okay sekarang nak pi makan. Eh nak tengok tv lah. Eh nak tidur kot. Wait, perut lapar lagi ni. Hahahahaha screw everything, toodles ! xx

fawwaz fawwaz i miss you so much :'(

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh well,

Salam (:

Just woke up from my evening sleep * yawn. Jarang okay aku tidur petang, hari ni memang super tired -____-"

Hari ni dah lah bangun lambat gila -.- Aku sempat dengar alarm sound yang fawwaz tinggalkan before dia pergi asrama few times. Bila agak agak dah segar sikit, baru kelam kabut bersiap siap, hihi. Lepastu tengok pulak langit mendung je, macam nak hujan. So chilling lah siap lambat lambat.

Sekali pukul 7.15 baru nak kelam kabut pakai tudung. Nasib baik mama so naaais wanna send me, kalau tak T___T Eceh masuk sekolah muka cool je budak budak tengok daripada kelas, dah lah takde perhimpunan kan.

AAAA nak cerita pasal seni je sebab subjects lain semua normal, haha. Nak tahu tak nak tahu tak. Kalau taknak close blog ni sekarang ! :p Eceh chill chill. Um aku rasa tangan aku dah tak sekayu dulu ! Wohooooooo. Boleh dapat award sebab ada improvement tak ? Muahaha.

Tadi kena lukis satu iklan simpang ke apa benda tah. But you have to draw a vehicle and its up to you what you want to draw on that vehicle. but must be promoting something kan kan. Aku lukis kapal terbang lepastu iklan Cadbury bertempek kat badan kapal terbang tu. OH PATUTLAH AKU ASYIK RASA NAK MAKAN COKLAT JE T____T Hihi

Lepastu subjects lain macam biasa blabla. OH I CRIED DURING MATHS T____T Sebab apa ? I missed few subtopics about Indices that we are still trying to understand and poof, i dont understand a single thing. I kept questioning the questions. So end up crying sebab tak paham. Dah la fawwaz is not around to teach me like he used to.

Heh. This is so frustrating.

Harini takde prep or koko so balik rumah awal. Mokcik haziqah tumpang till 5. Kitorang balik, solat makan the boom, tidur zzzzz. Nikmat wooo, dah lah hujan kan petang tadi. Alhamdulillah :')

K sekarang nak pi carik makanan, taktahu kenapa harini macam starving gila. Perut perut, macam mana nak kempis ni ? T__T

fatin : haziqah, apa kata aku lukis muka aku lepastu aku tulis ' Fatin Comel '. Okay what, semua orang boleh nampak kat langit sebab kapal terbang xD
haziqah : haa suka hati kau lah. Orang bukan taknak naik, pandang pun taknak.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Messed up


I dont think i can do this. Things are so messed up. The world is turning upside down. I am pretending about everything. I screw things up. I hurt people's feelings. Fml

Im having hard moments here and it is quite, scratch that. It is so hard to go through this alone, without fawwaz by my side. He used to be there whenever i need someone to talk to. He'll be there to comfort me in times like this. Where are you ? :/

Obviously, i do have girlfriends. But definitely, they are busy with their own boys. They wont be there always to listen to my stuff. They have life to live.

I am so selfish. I dont think about everyone else. When will I learn that the world is not only about me ?

I didnt mean to hurt your feelings. I didnt mean to act that way. I was tired, effing tired. I had hard times, and it gets harder going through it without you with me. I needed someone to talk to, you werent there. Im not blaming you, it wasnt your fault. It was mine, i shoudnt have said that. I shoudnt have let you know what is going on. I should just keep quiet and be happy. So that you know, im perfectly fine.

But i failed ! I cant handle this on my own, i thought i could. I failed honey, i failed. I am truly sorry, for not understanding you. I am truly sorry, for being selfish.

what a hectic day and an emosional night. Sorry for being emo, readers. leave if you want. xx

Friday, February 18, 2011



Amagaaaaad !

Salam :)



For birthdaaaaaay. Pretty please, anyone ? D: Am so in love with the purple colour ! Sorry blue, had to reject you because im falling in love at first sight with the purple. Dont worry, i still want you, hihi.

Anyoneeeeeeeeee ?

Ceh berangan je fatin, too much to ask for your birthday, idiot.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Alhamdulillah (:

Salam (:

Alhamdulillah, a week has passed. Except teary eyes and red nose, i'm doing fine :) Well fine is not actually a feeling but everybody says that so yeah, im fine.

It was totally hard for the first few days but i guess im fine now. Not fully but yeah, im fine. Im still trying to adapt to my new daily routine which excludes him. Im trying to spend more time with my friends, (: Had fun at school but i feel like im forever alone when im at home hahaha. Especially at night.

Well, another 4 weeks left ! * Excited ^_^

Oh wait, exam's in 3 weeks. Imma daaai. I've read few topics, but kill me when it comes to KH. I have neveeeeeeeer get A for KH papers. No matter how hard i try, i even slept with the book few times, just incase by doing that, all the infos would straight away stick in my mind. Hehe i know, stupid.

Anyway, i got a life to live. But im barely breathing. * Sings No Air song.

See ya later, xx.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Salam :)

Not in the mood for updating blog actually. Its just that, im trying to keep myself busy. Hmp. Semalam first day sekolah since cuti CNY. I spent my whole day crying :/ Yelah, Mr. Superhero pergi asrama kan. & i dont know how to contact him.

Dah terbiasa message dia everyday, suddenly kena stop tiba-tiba, mana tk awkward. Sedih, gila. When i close my eyes, i hope that all these things are not happening to me. Sadly, i aint dreaming. This is reality, and you can say that reality sucks at times.

I guess i just have to be strong. & dont stop believing. I know, God is great. He will take care of us. I just have to be positive and be strong. Heart, please be strong.

At times, when i miss him, i'll stare at his picture. Or just stare at my phone, wishing for him to contact me. Aha keep on dreaming fatin. Oh um, dia call malam tadi :') I was so happy that i cried. Hahaha.

Time, please move fast. I want 12th march, i want holiday. So that i can talk to him. I miss him :'(

Nothing much today, woke up with.... i dont know wht feeling, idk how to describe. It.is.so.terrible. I listened to the voice msg he sent and i cried, again. Walk to school in tears, cried a lot at the perhimpunan. Alhamdulillah, i can still focus on my studies.

During english, we have to do some exercises. & i was talking about fawwaz to haziqah that time, i was so sad and i cried. This time i tell you, it hits me badly. I cried. The tears kept on flowing like it wont stop. I can see that mursyid and yong were surprised to see me in tears. Hello red eyes & nose.

Demmit, i feel like crying now. Fatin please please dont cry. I know he's doing fine there, its just me. Yep, its me. Im having trouble trying to live my daily routines without him. Going to school and knowing that he will never be in that school again. What a hurtful feeling. It hurts, a lot. Knowing that i wont see his face among all the prefects. Knowing that i wont see him again everytime i look into Zaba Putra. Its just that, this fact is too hurtful.

I think i should stop now. Please be strong fatin. Please.

p/s : fawwaz, kalau awak baca ni, kalau, i want you to know that im fine. kita masih boleh fokus, and i dont do anything stupid. so awak takyah risau eh ? dont worry about me too much, nanti jadi macam last year pulak. Take good care of yourself, i'll be here at BRP waiting for your return, xoxo<3

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ahmad Fawwaz ♥

Salam :)

Alamak hehe terlebih banyak gambar puloook. Takpe, semua muka awak comel dalam ni ^_^

Awak, kita taknak cakap panjang sebab nanti orang muntah kalau baca hehe. Lagipun, semuanya kita dah cakap kan ? :D

Ehem ehem, nanti kat asrama jaga diri elok elok okay ? Jangan lupa makan sampai gemuk, jangan lupa mandi :p, jangan sukan sampai luka teruk teruk, oh jangan lupa continue tkwando okay ? Nanti bole protect kita, hihi ;p Loker please jangan bersepah, nanti ada sarang lipas kaaang :p

Awak, kita dah bagi semua benda untuk awak bawak yang boleh mengingatkan pada kita, hihi. Sila jaga elok elok tau, simpan dalam loker baik baik (: Everytime rindu, tengok lah benda kita bagi tu :D Oh baju tu jangan lupa pakai ! Nanti you look so tiut miut in that shirt ^_^

Um, nanti jangan mengorat kat sana sebab kita sentiasa ada spy, hihii. Kalau kita dapat tahu awak mengorat, kita babab awak laju laju ( ish tapi kita babab tak sakit -.- )

Please study well okay ? You're a smartass ^_^ Nanti kalau awak balik weekends, kita nak buli awak suruh ajar kita, hehe. Nanti kat sana study rajin rajin, jangan selalu malas buat homework addmaths :p

Awak, thanks for all those sweet memories you gave kita takkan lupakan semuanya, and kita harap awak pun :) Take good care okaaays, jangan lupa call kita ! Hihi.

Will always love you, ITALY

p/s : fawwaz cakap : kita janji tkkan tinggalkan awak, pinky swear ! :D

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Salam (:

AAAAAAA lama gila tk update kan. sory la bloggie, kerja banyak tpi tk terbuat lagi hehe. Nak type tapi macam banyak sangat cerita sampai malas so akhirnya draft jela hoho. Ni pun gambar je lebih xD

Um sooooo, ahad lepas pergi rumah amar faisal kat brp 4. Dia ada buat kenduri doa selamat sbb dia dpt asrama, alhamdulillah :) Mula pukul 11 tpi sampai around 12. Masuk rumah tu buat muka tebal je sebab semua orang pandang hehehe. Dah la lambat kan, haiyo.

his house is veeeeeery naaaais.

maaf, gambar perasan comel jap hehe

sila sediakan baldi di sebelah anda.

ni memang kena upload sebab kecomelan dia tk boleh resist

budak ni comel sama macam uncle ni :D

oh hai tuan rumah ! Ceh muka nak poyo je :p

Rumah dia ada jacuzzi ! Naaaaaais lagi.

End up playing football upstairs :D Favourite memories

Rasanya nak pekak telinga dorang semua menjerit.

Alolo ammar, aku nangis kang.

All & all, had so much fun. Gelak banyak sangat sampai penat mulut. They were acting like kids that i cant resist being with. Will be missing them loads when all of them left for boarding school ! :(

& i gotta accept that my cute boy is going too :'( sobsob. Um, dua tahun je kaaaan. InsyaAllah boleh :D Fatin, positif positif ! ^_^