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Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm tired

Assalamualaikum :)

See, you shoudnt get me started on blogging again because i know i wont stop -.- Luckily today is Sunday, means no laptop for the rest of the week. Wohooo! *awkward silence*

So anyway, referring to the title, Yes i'm tired. Not like tired as in I ate too much ( :p ) or from the visits to cousins house or from getting duit raya<----- very impossible.

But this tired i'm talking is the tired i get from studying. from thinking too much. from those negative thoughts. and most importantly, from the pressure......PRESSURE.

God, the trial is in less than a month.... PRESSUREEEEEE!

Yes, that one. Hahaha I somehow rather find it funny because i can't remember when was the last time I get panic for big exams. I wasnt like this when I had my UPSR. Just those goofy-butterflies feelings in my stomach and thats just it.

But this time, it's different :/ I get panic whenever i'm not able to answer any question or whenever i think about " what if i dont..... what if im not able to get.... "  What if this and what if that. Just so you know, too much of " what if " can give you the same pressure amount just like when you have to choose between kinder bueno or ferrero roche. Okay crap.

I'm tired for the fact that I need (!) to push myself more to get better..... no, excellent results. Daily weekdays routine = School in the morning, studying alone in the evening and studying with mum at night. & if mum have classes at night, means the studying alone routine will be continued at night.

Wait..... is it just me complaining about this or is it everyone is having the same routine and they're not complaining? Oh well, what can I do. I have to keep moving forward and stay strong, dont give up & stay positive until the big exam approach.

Much much thanks to everyone who has been giving supports. xoxo 

Well, back to reality readers. Books await. Au revoir, xo.


Fuza Marquis said...

all the best for your PMR dear (:
wish you excellent result! btw, kenapa ur mom ada kelas malam?
ur mom sambung study ke?
*sorry, i just curious

Norfatin Suraya said...

Hihi thanks! :D
Em yeah, sambung studies :)