Daisypath Anniversary tickers

aww, birds :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Tuesday


It's 4 pm and i am very sleepy >.<

Did some tatabahasa exercise for Bm this morning.

Masa KH pergi bengkel sebab nak pateri komponen. Tiba tiba cikgu mintak kerja lukisan skematik and lukisan gambarajah. Skematik dah siap tapi gambarajah baru halfway. Cikgu kata siapa tk buat kena denda seringgit. Oh dayyum :O Tapi cikgu kata siapa yang buat sikit tk payah so tk kena denda. Weheee. Simpan duit makan aku :D

Waktu rehat makan bekal bawak dari rumah :') I so terasa macam budak budak, comeeel. Hihi

Lepas rehat kena pergi Science lab. Tengok, asyik naik turun naik turun tangga, mana tak penat. Dah lah kelas tingkat 3, dah naaaaaaaik sampai atas kena turun balik untuk pergi lab. Sebelum rehat tadi naaaaaaaaik atas untuk hantar barang KH. Tapi kenapa aku tk kurus kurus pun >.<

Masa sains tadi agak mengantuk, entah kenapa lah kalau lab je ngantuk ngantuk ngantuk. OH kitorang dah masuk chapter reproduction. & tadi macam ada game tau during the lesson, sebab cikgu pasang CD kan. Its like you have to click play and choose which sperm you think will make it into the ovum. Kalau tekan play and do nothing, all the sperms will die.

So kitorang semua macam excited sebab macam comel je game ni haha. At first cikgu tekan play and did nothing, so all the sperms died. Second try cikgu tekan play and clicked at one of the sperms, & that sperm made it into the ovum ! we were all so happy that we clapped. Hahahahaha. It was so cute !

Buat latihan revision bab 1 untuk Sejarah. I can answer all the questions, cuma stuck sikit bahagian anti-japanese groups. I feel so happy y'know :') Jarang taaaaau dapat faham the whole bab for Sejarah.

Eh lepas sejarah apa eh o.O OH YEAH AGAMA. Kena berpecah into groups and masuk kelas lain lain -.- Sebab ustad tak masuk, ada hal kot. Some kena pergi kelas 3kaa, 3B, 3C and 3D. Aku dengan few others kena masuk kelas 3C. Nasib baik makcik hajiqah group dengan aku.

Bunyi loceng terus cepat cepat balik kelas sebab rasa macam awkward sangat dekat kelas orang O.O Makan makan kat kantin and prep till 2.30.

Dah dah cukup cukup blogging. Tuuuu, books on the table are calling. Hihi daily routine.

Later, xx.

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