Daisypath Anniversary tickers

aww, birds :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

First day of school


What a lame title. I know. Because to me, everything is boring. School is.

So anyways, lets just start with a hello for school for 2012 session. I was so excited on Tuesday night, & school started on Wednesday. I was excited & scared in the same time. Yeah who knows we'll be separated. What I mean is, some of us got ST 1 while some got ST 2. Lol biggest fear before school starts.

So Alhamdulillah, everyone in RK who got straight & applied Pure Science, managed to get a place in ST 1. Only Ridha & Farrina applied "Sains Ikhtisas". Eh what is SI in English? I seriously have no idea. That is for the Account class, those who decided not to have Bio in upper form life.

So here's the asdfghjkl part, my class consists of 60 students. SIX ZERO. Can you imagine? In a not-so-big-not-so-small class, we have to fit everyone in. Sit with all my girls at the row near to the entrance door. An-nisaa, Adriana & Anis in my front row, Haziqah, Mus & Nasha behind my row and Yam & Khairin, in the same row as I am. But since Yam's leaving for Teknik *sob sob sob........*, Haziqah will sit beside me.

The class's packed! Totally. We got the 3K's last year's class, at block B. It is in between 2 blocks, so there is no wind. So the class is hot all the time. Seriously, not lying. By afternoon, my school uniform will be wet. Apa? Ketiak berpaya? Hahahahahahahaha please, don't even try to understand that.

It has only been 3 days but it feels like 3 months. Yeah.. But the new subjects, so far so good. Biology, Physics & Addmaths are still doing great now. Haven't got the chance to study Chemistry & History yet. I hope History wont be boring..... I'm excited though, to explore more about the subjects!! 

Oh & btw, we got our textbooks on Thursday and guess what? It is in BM! Yes. I aint say it's not good to study in BM, but it's just we have been learning the subjects in English all this while, eversince we enter standard 1. So we're kinda disappointed :/ Then Ustaz Amin came into our class & asked, Who wants those subjects to be in BM? Nobody raised up their hands muahahaha. Then Ustaz asked, who wants dual language? 3 raised up. So the votes for English are 57 !!! We won we won hurrah hurrah.

So the next day, we got out English textbooks! *happy dance* But then, we don't have to return the BM textbooks.... So we currently have like, 21 textbooks now. Can you imagine how we're going to bring it by the end of the year?

"Nanti bawak buku pergi sekolah pakai troli" "Mampus terberak tengah jalan"


My Life My World said...

That another 57 tu bukan nak English kut, tapi dia orang tak tahu nak pilih @ tak kisah @ redha (bukan Ridha) jer lah. Hehehehe ... termasuk anak auntie ;)

Norfatin Suraya said...

Hahaha dorang nak dwibahasa, tapi bestnya english tetap menang. Weeee :D