Daisypath Anniversary tickers

aww, birds :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Saya join Contest The Best Picture of Me :)

Nak tahu contest apa ni ?
Click gambar kat atas tu cepat !!

Hihi this is my third time joining this kind of contest :) First contest join dari blog Ashraf Jalil & second contest join dari blog Cik Nisa :D So sekaranggg kita join contest dari blog Cik Sofea pulak! ^___^

Senang sangat nak join contest ni :)
Upload gambar solo yang paling kita suka & cerita pasal gambar tu.
Lepastu linkkan banner di atas kpd post contest tersebut,
& tinggalkan ni post yang kita join ni di blog cik sofea :D


Kenapa saya pilih gambar ni ? Kenapa saya rasa gambar ni best ?
Hikhik sebab.. gambar ni diambil masa school trip homestay di sabak bernam last year ^__^
sangat best! sebab pergi dengan semua angels and loves
Dekat sana pulak dapat pengalaman baru, macam dalam gambar di atas!
Masa tu kitorang semua mandi lumpur untuk tangkap ikan, ramai ramai semuanya!
Memang pengalaman paling best & tk dapat dilupakan :')

Tagging :

p/s : kak sofea, terima kasih sbb sudi baca ye! :D hope boleh menang, hihi (:

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It has been 4 months but,

I still can't get along with long distance relationship. Especially when one is too busy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How sad

Oh heaven, i miss him badly. so much so much.

Teknik Menjawab Soalan


Hai saya fatin & saya sangat mengantuk sekarang. Okay lari topik.

Hari ni pergi sekolah as usual :S Tapi pergi sekolah dalam keadaan rasa bersalah, tak suka sob sob. Since semalam takde perhimpunan, hari ni kena duduk kat tapak perhimpunan dengar pengetua bagi taklimat pasal larian 1 malaysia. Waisy, kalau campur semua sabtu yang kitorang pergi sekolah, dah boleh dapat seminggu extra cuti raya syawal ni heh heh.

Tiba tiba ada announcement form 3 kena pegi dewan sebab ada teknik menjawab soalan pmr untuk agama. Wohooooo! Tapi divided into two sessions sebab dewan tk muat. Fortunately, rk1 & rk2 were placed into the first session! Means, tk payah belajar sivik! Double the wohoooo!

Wait don't get me wrong. That is just because i didnt prepare for the perbahasan heh heh.

Started around 8. We were excited in the first place because we sat in the first & second row. Ceh konon konon nak fokus ah tu untuk preparation pmr ? Har har 97 more days people, insaf gitu. But then ustazah tu pergi berdiri dekat tengah tengah lorong antara lelaki dekat perempuan, tapi ke belakang sikit. And she didnt use the slides she prepared because the projector was being an ass. So we ended up snoring hahaha.

No we aint that bad. But i managed to sleep for about 5 mins? Nama pun tidur duduk, takkan nak tidur satu jam kot. Nisaa duduk tepi tingkap, memang senang nak tidur xD Then there's me, hajiqah on my right, afiqah & yamyam & hajar & anis behind, nasha & mus & adriana infront of us. Well i didnt say we didnt focus, we did. Infact, we wrote pages of notes. But i guess the situation made us sleepy, very.

Plus the noise pollution by the back class boys were really disturbing. No offence.

Finished at around 10.20. So we had our recess at 10.30 till 10.50. Since it is the upper form recess, we didnt stay long at the canteen :S Went up and studied maths for 10 mins. & yes normal schedule till noon.

The 97 days left fact is killing me slowly.

Till then peeps, xx

p/s: nuradilah afifa sangat sombong ye sekarang. sangat.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kid, behave


Wanna read something funny ? Here.

First of all, by calling me bitch, you lost my respect towards you as junior. Kalau kawan kawan yang panggil bitch, maksudnya lain. Tapi kalau junior, sorry la der :)

Secondly, i dont know what happened between you and mikal but it should be me questioning you and being mad towards you because i only asked you for the confirmation between mikal and him, i didnt say anything else. All of sudden, mikal attack kat fb lepas hari sukan semalam. So, who should take the blame ? It must be you who told mikal about me asking that question.

So tk pasal pasal mikal nak attack. Dah la cara dia attack pun kurang ajar gila. Nasib baik aku memang tk hingin pun rampas lelaki tu dari dia.

Oh btw amirah, by saying akak sombong sebab tk tegur awak dekat sekolah, ada ke member member akak tegur awak dekat sekolah bila dorang jumpa awak ? Oh maybe anis je kot yang tegur ? Talk about the rest, ada ? So jangan nak blame akak sangat lah, bukan akak rapat sangat dengan awak sampai setiap kali jumpa awak, akak kena tegur. I dont have anything to say anyway.

Tolonglah, jangan nak kurang ajar sangat boleh ? Kurang ajar boleh bawak pegi mana doh ? Akak tk pernah pulak kurang ajar dengan awak kan ? Waisy memang panas ah ni.

And please jangan ingat by tulis dekat blog tu, awak hebat sangat kay. Go ahead, tell the whole world you hate me. I dont lose anything, its you. Because if you hate someone, you'll feel hurt more than the person you hate.

Dahla, i have more things to focus on.

Oh by the way, you lost my respect.

Friday, June 24, 2011


wtf anis ? o___O
scaring the shit outta me.

wtf = where's the food. food ftw, wohooo

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ni Cameron Ke ?


Tengah hari tadi sangat best (y) suasana mendung je, angin pun sepoi-sepoi bahasa menerbangkan rambutku yang panjang mengurai ~ Padahal pakai tudung -.- cerita nak market okay, market pun taknak terima cerita ni.

AAAAAA macam bongok je aku update benda benda macam ni.
Okay back to the story.

Disebabkan angin yang sangat sejuk dan best, maka kami pun bersidai seperti ikan ikan kering di balkoni hadapan kelas, saja tengok budak petang beratur, mana lah tahu kot kot ada junior yang comel ke heh heh. Angin tu melampau kuatnya sampai macam nak tercabut tudung aku -.- Tapi takpe, nikmat kurniaan Allah, alhamdulillah.

Tiba-tiba ada sekali tu angin bertiup kuat sangat sampai memang tk tercakap lah macam mana, tapi best. sangat best.

Awang : Ni cameron ke ?

Cameron pun bolehhhhhhhhh.

Cucuk Pinggang


Hari ni semua orang nak cucuk pinggang aku. Tengah bersidai kat balkoni pun kena cucuk oleh syaf. Kat kantin kena cucuk dengan kenit dengan ayza. Tak terkira berapa kali aku kena cucuk pinggang hari ni. Waisy, sensitif okay!

Eh eh semua yang cucuk tu budak KAA pulak tu.

Semalam tidur, hari ni cucuk pinggang, esok apa pulak?

Okay sekali lagi nampak sangat takde topik nak update kbai.


Another cute art by Google.
Hihi shoo cute, shoo colourful.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Oh my, love


Alhamdulillah, God bless for this wonderful love.
InsyaAllah, keep on praying for our happiness ;)
Thanks. Allah sahaja yang dapat membalas.. ;D

p/s : good relationship dont just work. It takes patience, love, loyalty and two people who really want to be together.


Assalamualaikum :)

Tidur, yes tidur. Hari ni kerja aku asyik tidur. tidur tidur tidur. Dekat mana mana pun aku boleh tidur -.- Waktu sivik ada tidur sekejap. Okay kira pejam sekejap je la. Waktu science dekat lab aku tersengguk sengguk memang takleh bukak mata langsung, dah la duduk meja depan tsk tsk how to sleep meh.

Oh lepas rehat waktu math, tk boleh tidur. Kalau tidur gamaknya korang jumpa kubur aku je nanti heh heh.

Okay waktu english suka sebab takde cikgu. Eh teacher if you're reading this, please dont get me wrong hehe i still miss you teaching us hihi. Cikgu ganti suruh duduk kat library sampai habis masa english. So terus cari spot bawah aircond, baik punya. Yang baca buku semangat, aku duduk terus zzzz sampai pukul 12 -.-

Dah cakap, aku suka tidur. I'm married to food but if food never existed, i'll marry to ' sleep '. Okay merepeknya apakah iniiiiiii.

Waktu balik tu stay sampai petang sebab nak sokong classmates yang saringan lompat tinggi. Tengok dari kelas atas je lepastu jerit Wohooo see we all shoo semangat okay (y)

Tapi disebabkan dorang start lambat sangat, aku sempat tidur atas meja, berbantalkan beg haziqah sambil lunjurkan kaki. Hahaha memang tktahu malu sungguh. Tapi aku memang tk percaya yang aku memang betul betul tertidur o.O Ingatkan nak baring baring je hahaha.

Petang haziqah tumpang kat rumah pun kitorang tidur lagi sebelum pergi tusyen.

Konklusi dia, aku sangat suka tidur kbai.

p/s : nampak sangat takde topik nak update blog -.-

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Salam :)

AAAAAA lamanya tk update blog. Sekolah dah start seminggu, and yes it has been such a hectic week for me. I've been sleeping late almost everyday just to finish up my folios. Alhamdulillah, sent them this morning :') Felt so relieved ! Rasanya dah tk perlu nak menghadap laptop and cari bahan and bina ayat untuk folio sejarah hahaha okay okay i'm so happy.

Eh wait no, I am sad naooooo.

Gotten all my exam results. Alhamdulillah, 5A 3B :) Not much to be proud of but at least there's something to be happy about :) Got B for science, kh and sejarah. Hahaand memang bersyukur sangat sangat dapat B sebab target C untuk Kh dengan Sejarah. Hihi i knowwww, so teruk kan target rendah gila -.- Tapi frust science sebab memang target A untuk science :/

But anyways, still Alhamdulillah :) I dont mean to brag, just to write about it. Well compared to those RK 1 students who got straight A's, macam langit dengan bumi okay hahahaha. I dont get how on earth they managed to get straight A's :( Well what to say, they're smartass.

So anyways, they've been talking a lot about trial that is coming in 1 month time, and yes i officially announce that imma start study for trial. Starting tonight insyaAllah. No more jokes, no more fooling around. PMR's in 3 months time, i dont even have time to breath. Hahaha okay hiperbola.

But then plus minus with the holidays, puasa ( for sure i wont study much ) and raya and sleeping time & emosional time & eating time, basically we have only 1 and a half months left :/ That is so scary, i tell you. If i manage to score AT LEAST 6A's and above for this upcoming trial, i'm pretty much confident with myself to face the PMR.

Haha so typical. Most of the PMR bloggers will blog about PMR everytime they feel like blogging. Yeah typical us.

Still, i'm eager to sit for PMR though

Till then, xxx

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Arwah cik Azlinah

sentiasa di hati..

9.6.2010 - 9.6.2011
Genap setahun sudah arwah cik azlinah meninggalkan dunia dan kita semua..
Kami semua masih merindui suaranya, cara mengajarnya, rotan & nyanyian serta senyumannya..

Guru ini telah banyak mengajar & membimbing kami..
Memang seorang yang tegas dalam mengajar, terutamanya Sejarah..
Masih teringat lagi aku dan rakan sekelas tahun lepas, dirotan kerana tk siap kerja atau salah dalam menjawab soalan.
Rotan bukan sekali, mesti melebihi 5 kali :')
Namun, kami tidak pernah merungut. Semua ini menjadi ingatan buat kami :')
Seorang guru yang sentiasa ceria dan sangat memahami..
Tidak cerewet & tidak suka menyusahkan orang sekeliling..

Cik Azlinah, cikgu sentiasa dalam ingatan kami..
Terima kasih buat segalanya..
Semoga beliau ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman..
& semoga roh beliau sentiasa dicucuri rahmatNya..


p/s : sebak. sangat sebak..

Instant brother

Assalamualaikum :)

Amir & Ajmal.
I like this one.

I like his spec, hihi

Nampak gambar semua budak poyo kat atas tu ? Memperkenalkan, dia lah ganja :p Ceh haha takdelah, nama dia ajmal :)

I don't even know him, at first. Kenal dia dengan panggilan ganja, daripada fawwaz. Everytime fawwaz call, ada je benda dia cerita pasal ganja, apa yang dia buat dengan ganja. Haha yes, 'twas very funny. Lepastu tengok dekat fb, mirzan ada cakap dengan dia lepastu panggil dia ganja. So i guess he's the one, so i added him. 'Twas very scary at first, he dont seem friendly o.O

Lepas add tu, dia post dekat wall cakap thanks for the add. I was like " yeah sure (: ni eh yang orang panggil ganja tu ? ". Lepastu dia reply muka ni =.= Uish aku pantang orang pakai muka ni, sebab maksudnya dia annoyed haha. So terus aku panik, mana tau dia terasa ke apa ke :S I kept on saying sorry, hahaha. So me.

  • Very friendly ! No seriously, i really mean very
  • & funny. haha spontaneous at times
  • Honest
  • A good storyteller & a good listener
  • Caring & open minded
Ajmal orang pertama dari Sepintar ( kecuali fawwaz, hihi ) yang pernah dengar aku nangis. & yes, my brother :)

Selingan, hihi.
Okay adik ajmal comel, sangaaaat! ^_^

Talk about pro

Assalamualaikum :)

Talk about pro, talk about Google. Who doesnt love Google ? I do, freaking much. Go & open google now and play with the guitar! I've been spending my time playing the guitar hekhek :B

See the red button in rectangular shape? Click ! It allows you to play the guitar with you keyboard ;D

& this is just another reason why i love google. So cute, so creative.

Miss Universe? Blahhhh :p

Assalamualaikum :)


Harini, pada tarikh 9 Jun 2011, genap manusia yang bernama Anis Syafiqah bt Bakhtiar berumur 15 tahun ! ^______^ So yes please, get rid of that 14 and start living and adapt with this new number, 15 :p

Aku benci betul, budak ni pergi deactivate facebook dia. Susah aku nak wish -______- Nasib baik dia pegang handphone, aku call terus angkat :p Rindu aku lah tu hekhek perasan okay please muntah. Sedihnya, aku orang kedua yang wish T__________T Adriana wish dulu haha. Apa niiiii ad, cepuk kang.

So what to tell about this so called miss universe ? :p

  • You're freaking beautiful, dont let anyone else tell you otherwise
  • Smartass and freaking tall & thin
  • Awesome, indeed. Just cant yet beat my awesomeness :p
  • Speaking & talks a lot
  • Honest & easily annoyed
  • Yes, she's rich
  • & yes i know you love me so i love you too xxx

Hahaha tk boleh cerita banyak, nanti dia kembang susah :p Woi, be proud that i made a special post for you. You didnt do this for my birthday ! Okay imma delete this few days later hahaha joke. How lame could i be -.-

Dude, stay awesome and stay pretty. May God bless you always & please dont change. I love you just the way you are ( okay please please please puke! ) Hihi lots of love, xxx !

Monday, June 6, 2011


Anis, Fatin

WEII!!!! Aku baru ingat nota agama tak buat and aku dah malas nak buat

I HAVE TO FINISH LIKE THE WHOLE BOOK. hahaha. banyak gila tk buat

AAAAHHH! Okay, freak-out mood on balik XD

im so excited weheeeee. LAMA TK BUAT NOTES. HAHAHA YEAAAAY


BEST APAA. buat notes, then looking at your beautiful writings



WON'T.... Got dibs on your microphone during funeral. Imma sing. Kau pilih je lagu apa... aku nyanyikan

why dont i wake up from that coffin and take you to hell with me?
hahahaha eh wait!
i mean, take you with me and throw you into hell while i go into heaven like a boss


Hahaha yes, typical teenagers. Hekhek never ever put us both together. Hihi Aniiiiiis

I was bored

Salam (:

I was bored & i found this game on Tumblr. So i tried hihi.

It's funny hahaha. & cute though.

Awh dont blame me, i was bored. & yes, being stupidly stupid by writing fawwaz's name at all the blanks in the crush section hahaha. Kill me.

It's just a game anyway. Sorry fawwaz's fans.

Vincci, where are you T___T

Not even words could describe how much i'm missing you.
3 days to go ;D
Lots of love, xxx

p/s : told you i'll update whatever i want to, including me missing him hahaha okay please puke bye.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

As i promised :)

Salam :)

As i promised in the earlier post, i'll be making a post and upload all the pictures of us at Edora's house. Please, get a bucket ready beside you, just incase you feel like vomitting looking at our pictures haha.

Pictures are not in order btw. & mind the quality, it's webcam.

Anis, uploaded 'em! Satisfied much ? Hahaha :p

Till then, xxx